Job Interview Questions

During a job interview, you may be asked questions to determine if you are the right person for the job. Review these questions ahead of time and think about how best to respond in a clear and positive light.

Below are actual questions our local businesses are asking job applicants. These include Sonny's Place, Dunkin Donuts, Subway, Chic-Fil- and 6-Flags:

1. How would you describe yourself?

2. What are you passionate about?

3. Why are you looking for a job?

4. Why are you interested in working here?

5. If someone was to describe you to me, what would they say?

6. Tell me about a work or a school challenge that you encountered and how you overcame it.

7. How do you work under pressure?

8. How would you deal with rude customers or people that criticize your work?

9. How would you welcome a customer?

10. Why is an employee's appearance important?

11. Tell me about a time when you have had to go above and beyond to get a job well done.

12. What do you do when you get stuck with a problem you can't solve?

13. If you noticed a fellow team member having difficulty completing a task, what would you do?

14. Give me an example of your initiative and character? (Think about how you would describe your work ethic, leadership roles, community service or volunteer experiences, internships, previous work experiences, etc.)

15. Are you in any clubs? Do you play any sports at school? (Be ready to describe your experiences as a member of a club or sports team, and how you perform as team player.)

16. Have you ever had to work with a team of people who did not work well together? Tell me what happened and how you reacted.

17. If I contact your previous employer or a teacher, what would they say are your greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses?

18. What other jobs have you held? If you left, why?

19. What has been your most rewarding accomplishment?

20. What do you think it will take to be successful here?

21. What does the word integrity mean to you?

22. Are you willing to work evenings and weekends?

23. What is your attendance record at school? How many days did you miss? How many times were you tardy?

24. How will you get here? Do you have a driver's license?

25. What are your career goals and future plans?

26. Why should we hire you?

27. Can you provide me with 3 references?

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