Evaluate Your Job Skills

Reflect on your job & employability skills (Many of these skills are also needed for school success. In fact, they are life skills.)

If you have a job, how would your boss evaluate you based on these skills? If you don't have a job yet, think about how your teachers might evaluate you.

1. Teamwork

_____ Demonstrates exemplary teamwork skills: Shares in leadership roles and in discussions, thoroughly completes assigned tasks.

_____ Demonstrates good teamwork skills: shares in discussions, satisfactorily completes assigned tasks.

_____ Demonstrates poor teamwork skills: Monopolizes discussion or does not participate, doesn't complete tasks reliably.

2. Initiative

_____ Is resourceful; looks for tasks to learn and do. Can work independently.

_____ Does routine work acceptably.

_____ Takes very little initiative; requires prompting.

3. Courteousness

_____ Is courteous and considerate of others.

_____ Is usually polite and considerate.

_____ Has been discourteous at times.

4. Accuracy of Work

_____ Knows job well and shows desire to learn more.

_____ Makes occasional errors, but is overall thorough and neat.

_____ Is frequently inaccurate and careless.

5. Work Habits

_____ Is industrious, and efficient; uses time well.

_____ Goofs off occasionally but is usually reliable.

_____ Frequently wastes time; needs close supervision.

6. Cooperation

_____ Gets along well with others; is friendly.

_____ Usually gets along with others.

_____ Does not work well with others.

7. Handling Constructive Criticism

_____ Accepts criticism and makes improvements.

_____ Accepts criticism and attempts to do better.

_____ Resents criticism.

8. Personal Appearance

_____ Excellent hygiene; always looks neat and presentable.

_____ Good hygiene; looks neat and presentable most of the time.

_____ Poor hygiene and sloppy appearance.

9. Dependability

_____ Never absent except for an emergency.

_____ Usually dependable.

_____ Frequently absent; not dependable.

1. In what areas could you improve?__________________________________


2. In what areas do you shine?_________________________________________


3. Do you think you would make a desirable employee? Explain________________________________________________________________



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