SmartOI BER-TLV is a s/w running on MS Windows environment to show BER-TLV encoding/decoding in user friendly manner, and also show details of all data elements' information in EMV specification.
BER-TLV encoding/decoding.
show details of all data elements' information.
user friendly interface.
Expected Effects
For EMV chip card issuers, simulating chip card running on terminal with issuer’s response can be very helpful to verify it before issuing.
For EMV solution providers, SmartOI s/w series may give synergy to customers or themselves with their solutions.
For terminal vendors who need EMV level 2 solution, SmartOI s/w series can be a guideline to implement it on their terminals.
For everyone who is interested in EMV, SmartOI s/w series can be very helpful to study EMV specifications.
Product Version
V1.00 (freeware)