SmartOI BER-TLV is a s/w running on MS Windows environment to show BER-TLV encoding/decoding in user friendly manner, and also show details of all data elements' information in EMV specification.


  • BER-TLV encoding/decoding.

  • show details of all data elements' information.

  • user friendly interface.

Expected Effects

    • For EMV chip card issuers, simulating chip card running on terminal with issuer’s response can be very helpful to verify it before issuing.

  • For EMV solution providers, SmartOI s/w series may give synergy to customers or themselves with their solutions.

  • For terminal vendors who need EMV level 2 solution, SmartOI s/w series can be a guideline to implement it on their terminals.

  • For everyone who is interested in EMV, SmartOI s/w series can be very helpful to study EMV specifications.

Product Version