Type Approval

What is EMV Type Approval ? (extract from EMVCo)

    • to create a mechanism to test compliance with the EMV specifications.

    • provides an increased level of confidence that interoperability and consistent logical behavior between compliant applications have been achieved.

    • Type Approval is divided into two levels.

      • Level 1 - tests compliance with electromechanical characteristics, logical interface, and transmisstion protocol requirements.

      • Level 2 - tests compliance with debit/credit application requirements.

Who needs EMV Level 2 Type Approval ?

    • All terminals for financial transaction with EMV debit/credit applications in EMV chip card.

    • For example, POS terminal, ATM, Set-top Box, PC, etc.

What is EMV Level 2 Application Kernel ?

    • Target of the EMV level 2 Type Approval test.

    • Shall interact with debit/credit applications in chip card as specified in EMV specifications.

    • Acquirer interface

      • This is replaced with host simulator in EMV L2 Type Approval test.

What is the process of EMV Level 2 Type Approval ?

  • Vendor side

      • Vendor Registration to EMVCo.

      • Implementing Application Kernel based on the ICS.

      • Verifying Application Kernel using test toolkit (ICCSimTMat is used at DigitOI).

  • Accredited Laboratory side

      • Debugging test is optional, but strongly recommended.

      • If you pass Type Approval test successfully, request for Type Approval to EMVCo is the next.

      • If you fail Type Approval test, you should debug your Application Kernel and try Type Approval test again.

Vendor prerequisite needed to get Type Approval service

    • should provide terminal.

    • should provide F/W SDK for the terminal.

    • should provide compiler and debugging toolkit.

    • should provide documents and/or instruction needed to understand the developing environment (H/W, F/W SDK, compiler, debugger, etc).

    • should support debugging or fixing when an error found in H/W or F/W.