2024 01/20

SWMI AMS/NWA Chapter Meeting Minutes

Saturday, January 20

WZZM Station

645 3 Mile Rd NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544

Officers Present: Alana Dachtler & Aubrey Papke

Attendance: Jeff & Holly Wimhelm, Bill & Jean DeVries

Call to order: 3:30 pm 

 Tour of WZZM Station by Michael Behrens

Michael gave us a very in-depth tour of the station starting with some of their employees and their jobs at WZZM. Weather-specific things that were discussed were as follows; how they planned for upcoming storms what they think the impact and what will happen ahead of time. Educational information for viewers like why temperature matters for different weather and why salt won't help at certain temperatures. We talked about how the advancements in technology such as AI, Zoom, and more accurate/faster technology have advanced their station. Then the group embarked on a tour of the station including the weather deck (plus a view of weatherball), the photography room, and the control rooms (specifically how hackers/cyber attacks affect them). We then took a tour of the news truck, weather chaser car, and studio room. Overall it was a very detailed and informational tour that all members greatly enjoyed. 

Tour adjourned around 5:00 pm