2020 12/17

Southwest Michigan AMS/NWA meeting

17 Dec 2020

Zoom meeting

Due to COVID restrictions, this meeting was held on Zoom. Thanks to member Alana Dachtler for facilitating the meeting. All of the board members were in attendance with

a total of 13 members logged in. President Warren Wheeler called us to order at 7:05 PM. Vice President Cort Scholten gave a presentation on the summer forecast contest.

Warmest temperature at the GRR airport

Actual: 94, July 3 & 7

Winner: Bill Marino, 95, July 21 (tiebreak)

Runner-up: Linda Paige, 95, July 25

Warmest temperature at the MKG airport

Actual: 97, June 9

Winner: Tricia Derry, 96, July 18

Warmest temperature at the LAN airport

Actual: 95, July 7 & 9

Winner: Kreigh Tomaszewski, 96, July 18 (double tiebreak!)

Runner-up: Tricia Derry, 96, June 28

Others in tiebreak: Bill Marino, 94, July 21, and Linda Paige, 96, July 25

Number of days reaching 90 degrees or warmer at GRR

Actual: 17

Winner: Linda Paige, 18

Rainfall total at GRR between June 1 and August 31

Actual: 10.19 inches

Winner: Kim Howell, 11.42 inches

Treasurer William Marino gave the treasurer’s report which shows a balance of $833.95 in our accounts. There were 21 paid members for the year 2020. William Marino was

also the featured speaker for the evening with a presentation about his forecast for the upcoming winter. You can find all of his slides for the presentation at:
https://www.weather.gov/grr/WinterForecast20202021 Below is a slide with his excellent discussion of how he thinks the winter will turn out in our area.

We are going to have to wait until we see how the COVID restrictions evolve to

determine whether we can hold our next meeting in person or again on Zoom. We are

hoping to have the meeting in either January or February. Details to follow.

Respectfully submitted

Craig James Woods, Secretary