2023 05/25

SWMI AMS/NWA Chapter Meeting Minutes

Thursday, May 25, 2023

West Michigan Aviation Academy

5363 44th St., Grand Rapids, MI 49512

Officers Present: Cort & Kim Scholten, Alana Dachtler, Linda Paige and Andy Schut

Attendance: Jason Keeler (speaker), Jim Carpenter, Bill DeVries, Aubrey Papkey, Kreigh Tomaszewski, Warren Wheeler, Holly & Jeff Wilhelm

Call to order: 7:05 pm

Before the meeting officially began, Dr. Jason Keeler provided attendees with a show-and-tell of Central Michigan University’s Mobile Mesonet. He explained many of the instruments installed on the vehicle and talked about his experience with lake breeze measurement campaigns performed in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula near Lake Michigan.

Everyone made their way inside the WMAA to our usual classroom and Dr. Keeler began his talk once everyone got settled.

Dr. Keeler’s presentation focused mainly on the research performed with Mobile Mesonets, both at CMU as well as other campaigns that have taken place over the years. 

Because his recent research has not been published yet we will not post the details of the at this time but may update this presentation when it is available.

Before discussing his research, Dr. Keeler provided the group with a brief history of Mobile Mesonets. He explained that the word “Mesonet” stands for “Mesoscale Network” and was developed for the VORTEX campaign in the 1990s which took place one year before the movie, Twister (which was loosely based on aspects of the VORTEX campaign)! Weather stations are located all over the US but there are quite a few data gaps, especially in the Great Plains where severe weather is most common. It was determined that a vehicle outfitted with weather sensors could complement the fixed weather stations’ weather data and could therefore improve the ability to forecast impactful weather.

Dr. Keeler also noted that the placement of sensors is important. The first vehicles that were used in the VORTEX campaign featured the sensors on top of the car. Later, it was shown that there was less turbulence and potential for sensor contamination (e.g., heat from an idling engine when the vehicle is stopped) at the front of the vehicle.

After some interesting questions and discussion from the club, Dr. Keeler wrapped up his talk at 8:14 pm and we discussed some chapter business.

Kim Scholten shared the results and winners of the Winter Forecast Contest:

The boxes indicate the winner for the category. They each receive a credit for $10 toward their membership dues. Or in the case of Kreigh correctly predicting two categories, he will receive a credit of $20.

Andy Schut shared the treasurers report: we have $62 in checking and $864 in savings.

Cort Scholten requested nominations for new board members as the current board’s terms have come to an end. Cort and Kim are expecting a baby girl this summer so they have decided to step down as President and Vice President. The following nominations have been received for next year’s board:

President: Alana Dachtler Vice President: Warren Wheeler Secretary: Aubrey Papke Treasurer: Andrew Schut At Large: Linda Paige

If no other nominations are received, the position elections will be uncontested and the new board members will assume their duties for the June 2023 – May 2024 season.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.