2018 05 29

Southwest Michigan AMS/NWA

May 29, 2018

Schuler Book Store

2660 28th ST. SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49512

Outgoing president Brandon Hoving called the meeting to order at 7PM. Four of the five board members were present. The treasurer, William Marino, was out of town. Total attendance was just seven people.

The previous treasurer’s report as of April 18, 2018 showed we had 21 paid members and a cash balance of $1,208.76.

Warren Wheeler revealed the names of the winter forecast contest winners. They are Jim Carpenter, William Marino, Linda Paige, and Steve and Tricia Derry. Each will receive a $10 gift card to Meijer’s. Tricia won in two categories.

Brandon Hoving gave a presentation on his survey of the flooding that occurred in southwest Michigan this past February. Using graphics from the Midwest Climate Center, he showed this was the wettest February of record for our climate division, which includes Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo. Several locations received 300 – 400% of average precipitation for the month. Photos of the flooding will be posted to our website at amsnwa.com.

At our website, you can also see a list of topics covered at previous meetings. I have included the list on the second page of this meeting’s notes. When you look through them, you will see we have had a wide range of subjects presented with information you could not have received elsewhere. Please consider attending our meetings to support our speakers. We have several interesting presentations already planned for this coming year starting with Ginger Zee, chief meteorologist for ABC Network on July 31st. More information on that meeting will be sent out soon.

As of June 1st, Warren Wheeler will become the new president of the club and Cort Scholten will be the new Vice President.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted

Craig James Woods

