What is TroutBlitz?

Post date: Jan 22, 2015 6:6:50 PM

TroutBlitz is a citizen-science project aimed at cataloging the rich diversity of North America’s native salmonids, including trout, steelhead, char, whitefish, grayling and salmon. Through photography and angling, TU’s membership can build a single, easily accessible, geo-referenced photo library of native salmonids across their geographic range. In addition to documenting native trout biodiversity, TU members can contribute to scientific understanding of the introduction and non-native species by providing geo-referenced photos of these fishes when afield. In order to make TroutBlitz successful, we need your help. With just a fly rod, camera and a GPS unit, you can make a valuable contribution to science.


Join Matt Barney of TU's crack Science Team to learn how you can launch a Trout Blitz effort in your chapter or state. February 26, 8pm:
