March Chapter Meeting

Post date: Mar 14, 2011 12:30:39 AM

Our March chapter meeting is this Wednesday, March 16th at Jim Heafner's House (607 Oak Ave., Waynesboro) .

We will be following up on the TIC fundraiser and fly

tying nights. We need to organize volunteers for the VFFF and

Riverfest. Also we need to decide if we are going to join Dupont in

a river cleanup on the Saturday before the Fly fishing

festival. Please come and join us for the meeting. I have been

asked to direct parking for some of our vehicles to the small parking

lot on the 500 block of Oak Ave. This is across from the parking

for Summit Square near the end of the block just before the stop

sign. I believe it is marked for the Montessori. (Eggleston family

owns this) I will follow up before the meeting with better

directions. Please try to keep parking on one side or the other of

the street in front of Jim's so that larger vehicles (ie first aid or

fire) can pass through. We will hold a small raffle at the end of the meeting.