Resources and Videos

I am afraid I do not keep this page very up to date. As you know, new videos are being added all the time. I am constantly getting suggestions from students and other teachers and this page is definitely neglected.

I have had some suggestions to add a video links page so here it is. I then recently decided to include other resources too. I have references to many more videos and sites within my lesson plans so if I think of it, I will add them to this page as I come to them. Feel free to e-mail me with some suggestions.

Main Teaching Tools

Processing - the programming environment that I use for most of my introductory programming.

Netbeans or Eclipse - the programming environment I use after the first year for java and other languages. I use Netbeans because it seems to work better with my school's network. Others use Eclipse and prefer it.

Dreamweaver (paid) or Brackets (free) - for Web Design and JavaScript. This is the only tool listed here that is NOT free.

Scratch - for introducing programming, used at all levels from elementary to university

Game Maker ( - my number one tool to get students interested in Computer Science. Be warned, it is a difficult install that does not work for all lab configurations.

Vex Robotics

Arduino Robotics

Online Tutorials - great for web design and javascript concepts which I use as my spring board to Smart Phone apps, also includes python - highly recommended by others but I have only used it in limited ways

Learning Code Videos - my personal favourite for review and self paced learning - just recently recommended to me, I have not tried it yet but hear it might be the best thing going

Thought Provoking Videos - I use on a very regular basis. I will put some of my personal favourites here but they have a technology related section so you can always find new material. How Algorithms Shape the World - Thought provoking take on computing for academic students only.

Transcedent Man - Check Itunes or your local library for a copy of this documentary about the ideas and life of Ray Kurzweil. I use it with my grade 11 students and it always shocks them.

Youtube: A Day Made of Glass 2: Unpacked - Be sure to watch the unpacked version which explains where Corning sees the future of glass based technology.

Indie Game: A really well done full length documentary. It is available cheap on a number of sites.

Emotiv Insight Kickstarter video: Now your computer can read your mind. I hope to buy one of these really soon.

Robotics Specific Videos - self aware robots (6:21) - 16 minutes – Robot walking aid (1:46) – Pictures of robots set to music (4:50) – high speed robotic hand (3:00) – controlling hand with the mind (1:07) – transforming robot (3:00) - Robotic videos on

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