Computer Science 10 - Introductory CS

Computer Science in Grade 10 - Computer Science and Game Design 10 (includes intro programming up to if statements and loops)

Here is the simplified breakdown of my 2015/16 Computer Science 10 Course. I have changed the order of what I do in the last couple of years but the lesson plan doc for the last couple of years is not as detailed as this one so I decided this one would be of the most benefit to you. The complete, day by day lesson plan document is directly below.

Note: this progression may not be exactly as it appears in the lesson plan doc linked below. I change things EVERY year so the dates do not line up. It gives you a good idea of the progression

2015/16 Lesson Progression

Note: this progression may not be exactly as it appears in the lesson plan doc linked below. I change things EVERY year so the dates do not line up. It gives you a good idea of the progression.

Classes 1-8 Intro to course, Tech History, A quick intro to programming with Scratch

Classes 9-23 Intro to Processing with some Theory activities towards the end

Classes 23-38 CS Theory unit with some Game Maker in the middle

Classes 39-53 Processing Level 2 (If statements, boolean logic, etc.)

Classes 54-65 Web Design

Classes 65-68 Game Design

Classes 69+ Game Design additional lessons and Major Project (generally chosen from Game Design, Web Design or Processing)

Complete Lesson Plans

The activities listed in the lesson plans can now be found under the Teach With... pages of this site.

Please read the notes below before linking to my lesson plan documents.

Lesson Plans with Processing: 2016/17 2015/16 - These are recent lesson plans using Processing. Remember, go to the Teach With... tab for the complete list of assignments mentioned in the lesson plans.

Lesson Plans with Java: 2011/12 Year - This is the last year I completed 2 full Java credits (which includes IF statement and Loops). I now do not introduce Java into the second year of my program.

  • Note that the lesson plans provided are working documents that were created for MY EYES. That means that there may be explanations or activities that are glossed over. If you do not understand any references made in the lessons, please contact me.
  • I use google docs and our network drives as a means of sharing files with students. Some accompanying files may not be available here. Please contact me for any needed files, requesting them by name.
  • The lessons do not cover the credits in the specific order listed below. You will find that CS1 and Sec. Lang. 1 are integrated throughout the year.
  • There are many other options besides the 5 credits listed. The first three are largely considered mandatory, however.
  • Do not forget to check out the Assessment in CS link on the top menu too!

Units Covered in my Grade 10 Computing Science (with their Alberta Curriculum Credit Names)

  • CSE1010 Computer Science 1 - Topics include: Hardware and software, binary numbers, memory, processor, components of a computer, history of computers
  • CSE1110 Structured Programming 1 - Topics include: A short unit in the Scratch programming environment, introduction to programming using Processing (variables, input/output, mathematical operations, formatted output)
  • CSE1120 Structured Programming 2 - Topics include: decision making (if statement), looping (do…while), nested loops, sentinel values, random number
  • CSE1210 Client Side Scripting 1 - Topics include: Internet Architecture, HTML, CSS
  • CSE1910 CSE Project 1A – A major game design project(s) in Game Maker, Processing

The complete Alberta Education Computer Science Curriculum Document is available here.