Teach with... Arduino

Essentially, I use Arduino as a way to encourage student creativity in Computing Science. I use the term Pursue Your Passion Project to help drive home the fact that they computing can influence every job or hobby they can dream of. Currently I am using Arduino with my grade 12 students (third year of high school CS) but I am considering expanding the use to my earlier classes.

Assuming a student has no background with Arduino coming into the class, I use the following approximate timeline for the unit. For Alberta teachers, I use a Second Language credit.

Prescribed Assignments and Learning Activities Flexible Sensor and/or Shield Experiments Mini-Project

6-8 classes (linked below the video) 2-3 classes (details to follow) 3-5 classes

Following this Arduino unit, students have a 10-15 class period of time to pursue any project they choose. This could be Arduino based, a game design project, learn a new language or build a robust Java application. It is entirely up to the student.

If you are new to Arduino, let me get you started with this video. It is a great example of a Pursue Your Passion Project.

For Example files: Go to DropBox. Includes teaching examples and completed student projects.

Prescribed Assignments and Learning Activities (6-8 classes)

Arduino Introduction (LED and Potentiometer)

Arduino Traffic Light (External LED)

Arduino External LED & SOS (now used more as a teaching activity than an assignment)

Arduino Wave the Flag (Button and Servos)

Arduino Meltdown! (Introduces Photoresistor, Serial Monitor, Motors)

Arduino Learning about the Hardware

Arduino Digital Input (Buttons) - This is an older activity. I do not use it anymore as I find it is a bit redundant.

Arduino Tug of War or Binary Counter

Arduino Piezo and Mr. Piano Man

Arduino LCD Display

Arduino to Processing

Arduino Pick a Project

The Hardware

My starter kit was the ARDX kit which I purchased through Solarbotics out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I have since supplemented these kits with a number of sensors, shields and miscellaneous junk. I still use Solarbotics and a number of other suppliers such as Active Electronics, Newark, DX, etc. I have no affiliation to any of these suppliers.

Learning Resources

ARDX Experimenter's Guide

Arduino in a Nutshell

TED Talk from the creator of Arduino - a good discussion of project ideas and how Arduino boards are being used throughout the world.

