Teach With... Java

When Do I Introduce Java

For my introductory course, I used to teach Java. I have since switched to Processing. I then introduce Java at the grade 11 level and continue with it at grade 12.

This page currently needs an update as the links below are slightly out of date. Essentially, I have the following Java units/credits:

Grade 11s

Introduction to Java - this is quite an accelerated unit as the students already have a strong foundation in Processing

Procedural Programming - using Java methods

Data Structures - mostly arrays with a short intro to 2D arrays and ArrayLists

GUI programming - mosly using the Netbeans GUI builder

For IB students - Object Oriented Programming (for non-IB students, I push this back until grade 12)

Grade 12s

Iterative Algorithms - sorting, searching and files

For non-IB students - Object Oriented Programming

Project work

All lesson plans and activities are under the Lesson Plans pages.


The following were adapted and used as part of the Intro to Java unit. Later this year, I plan to update the Grade 11 page to better reflect the changes.