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Computer Science in Grade 10 - Computer Science and Game Design 10 (includes intro programming up to if statements and loops)

Here is the simplified breakdown of last year's 2011/12 Computer Science 10 Course. The complete, day by day lesson plan document is directly below.

Classes 1-10

Classes 11-16

Classes 17-25ish

Classes 26-35

Classes 36-40

Classes 41-47

Class 48-56

Classes 57-63

Classes 64-75

Classes 76-80

Intro to course, Tech History, Scratch

Game Maker

Java (Structured Programming 1 - Input, output, variables)

Scratch part 2

Binary Numbers

Game Maker Lessons 7-10 plus Tank Game

Logic gate activities

Computer Science Theory

Java (Structured Programming 2 - If statements, loops, switch)

Game Maker additional lessons

Game Maker Major Project

Smart Phone intro, catch up, etc

Complete Lesson Plans - 2011/12 Year but please read the notes below first. For those using my past lessons, 2010/11 is still available here.

  • Need a file that is mentioned in the Lesson Plan document? Link to my in-class examples and exemplar files page. This page is not complete so please e-mail me if you need something.
  • Note that the lesson plans provided are working documents that were created for MY EYES. That means that there may be explanations or activities that are glossed over. If you do not understand any references made in the lessons, please contact me.
  • I use google docs and our network drives as a means of sharing files with students. Some accompanying files may not be available here. Please contact me for any needed files, requesting them by name.
  • The lessons do not cover the credits in the specific order listed below. You will find that CS1 and Sec. Lang. 1 are integrated throughout the year.
  • There are many other options besides the 5 credits listed. The first three are largely considered mandatory, however.
  • The course title Programming and Game Design 10 is a marketing tool. It fully reflects Computer Science 10 courses offered elsewhere.

Alberta Credits offered in Grade 10 Computing Science (teaching resources are lower on this page)

  • CSE1010 Computer Science 1 - Topics include: Hardware and software, binary numbers, memory, processor, components of a computer, history of computers
  • CSE1110 Structured Programming 1 - Topics include: The Scratch programming environment, introduction to Java programming (variables, input/output, mathematical operations, formatted output)
  • CSE1120 Structured Programming 2 - Topics include: The Scratch programming environment, decision making (if statement), looping (do…while), nested loops, sentinel values, random number
  • CSE2140 Second Language Programming 1 - Topics include: Introduction to GameMaker (sprites, objects, variables, sound effects and other events), comparing languages
  • CSE1910 CSE Project 1A – A major game design project(s) in GameMaker, Scratch or Java

Computer Science in Grade 11 - Computer Science 20 (includes java methods, arrays and introductory OOP plus Vex robotics)

Complete Lesson Plan - is here

Need a file that is mentioned in the Lesson Plan document? Link to my in-class examples and exemplar files page. This page is not complete so please e-mail me if you need something.

Alberta Credits offered in CS20 (teaching resources are lower on this page)

  • CSE2120 Procedural Programming 1 – - Topics include: Using Methods in Java
  • CSE 2120: Data Structures 1 – Topics include: Using arrays and other structures to store data, searching and sorting
  • CSE3120 Object Oriented Programming 1 - Topics include: Object Oriented Programming using Java. The Jeroo game will be used as an introduction.
  • CSE2010 Computing Science 2 - Building on topics covered at the 10 level, this module will explore trends in computing and look more closely at the software development process
  • CSE2910 CSE Project B or CSE3140 Second Language 2 – Robotics using Vex and RobotC

Computer Science in Grade 12 - Computer Science 30

At this time I do not have a complete Lesson Plan available. Each student worked through their credits individually. Scroll down to see some of the projects and activities that students complete for me. They are sorted by credit name.

Alberta Credits offered in CS30 (teaching resources are lower on this page)

  • Note: the 30 level credit: CSE3120 Object Oriented Programming is part of the Computer Science 20 course.
  • CSE3010 Computing Science 3 - Building on topics covered at the 20 level, this module will explore trends in computing and look more closely at the software development process
  • CSE3110 Iterative Algorithm 1 - Topics include: Searching, Sorting and other key algorithms
  • CSE3140 Second Language Programming 2 - Arduino robotics (see the Robotics section below)
  • CSE3910 CSE Project D – Topic will be customized to student interest. IB students will use this credit for their IB Dossier project.
  • CSE3920 CSE Project E – Topic will be customized to student interest.
  • Plus one of:
  • CSE2130 Files and File Structures - Topics include: Interacting with text files in Java
  • OR
  • CSE3310 Recursive Algorithms 1

Credit by Credit Resources (see lesson plans above for more information)

CSE1010 Computer Science 1 - Topics include: Hardware and software, binary numbers, memory, processor, components of a computer, history of computers

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

CSE1110 Structured Programming 1 - Topics include: The Scratch programming environment, introduction to Java programming (variables, input/output, mathematical operations, formatted output)

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

CSE1120 Structured Programming 2 - Topics include: The Scratch programming environment, decision making (if statement), looping (do…while), nested loops, sentinel values, random number

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

Game Design (CSE2140 Second Language Programming 1 and CSE1910 CSE Project 1A)

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

Note: I taught these two credits using Game Maker last year. All the assignments are here.

End of grade 10 resources

Robotics Resources (Currently taught with CSE3140 Second Language 2. Other options include Robotics or Projects credits.)

CSE2010 Computer Science 2

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

CSE2120 Procedural Programming

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

Note that these assignments are written with Java in mind and therefore use the term 'Methods' to describe functions, subroutines, etc.

CSE2120 Data Structures 1

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

Note that these assignments focus on using Java arrays. The final activity introduces students to the more advanced data structure ArrayLists.

CSE3120 Object Oriented Programming

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

Note that I have chosen to teach this 3000 level credit at the grade 11 level.

I also spend some time introducing my students to Java Swing. The first activity below does not require much background in Swing but it DOES require additional files. The second is for advanced students only and requires a significant understanding of Swing.

end of grade 11 resources

CSE3110 Iterative Algorithms 1

CSE3010 Computer Science 3