Comp Sci 20 - Year 2

Computer Science in Grade 11 - Computer Science 20 (includes java methods, arrays and introductory OOP plus robotics)

Complete Lesson Plans - but please read the notes below first.

Notes - Please read before using the lesson plans

  • Starting at the Year 2 level, we have 2 streams of CS. The first is for students wishing to meet the challenges of the AP curriculum. The second is labelled as 'Regular'. The cover most of the same concepts but at a more relaxed pace and do not reach the more advanced Java found in the later stages of the AP CSA curriculum.
  • Note that the lesson plans provided are working documents that were created for MY EYES. That means that there may be explanations or activities that are glossed over. If you do not understand any references made in the lessons, please contact me.
  • I use google docs and our network drives as a means of sharing files with students. Some accompanying files may not be available here. Please contact me for any needed files, requesting them by name.
  • Do not forget to check out the Assessment in CS link on the top menu too!

Credit by Credit Resources (see lesson plans above for more information)

Alberta Credits offered in CS20 (teaching resources are lower on this page)

  • CSE2120 Procedural Programming 1 – - Topics include: Using Methods in Java
  • CSE 2120: Data Structures 1 – Topics include: Using arrays and other structures to store data, searching and sorting
  • CSE3120 Object Oriented Programming 1 - Topics include: Object Oriented Programming using Java. The Jeroo game will be used as an introduction.
  • CSE2010 Computing Science 2 - Building on topics covered at the 10 level, this module will explore trends in computing and look more closely at the software development process
  • CSE2910 CSE Project B or CSE3140 Second Language 2 – Robotics using Vex and RobotC

The complete Alberta Education Computer Science Curriculum Document is available here.

CSE2140 Second Language 1

This serves as an introduction to Java for the students coming out of Processing.

CSE2010 Computer Science 2

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

CSE2120 Procedural Programming

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

Note that these assignments are written with Java in mind and therefore use the term 'Methods' to describe functions, subroutines, etc.

CSE2120 Data Structures 1

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

Note that most of these assignments focus on using Java arrays. The final activity introduces students to the more advanced data structure ArrayLists.

Introduction to Java GUI

Complete lesson plans for teaching these activities are linked higher up on this page.

end of grade 11 resources