Teach With... Processing

Processing is an extremely cool programming language that gets students working with graphics on the first day. I now use it as my introductory language. It is based on Java so it uses a syntax that is transferable to my higher level courses and yet engages students in a far more meaningful way than Java, and even Python. Disclaimer: I have not taught with Python.

For Complete Lesson Plans that include my Processing units: Go to the Lesson Plans Tab... Computer Science 10

Intro to Programming 1 (Alberta CTS Credit: CSE1110 Structured Programming 1)

This portion of the course focuses mostly on learning the Processing drawing canvas and simple mouse and keyboard input. I also introduced IF statements at a simple level.

Intro to Programming 2 (Alberta CTS Credit: CSE1120 Structured Programming 2)

This portion of the course focuses on IF statements with advanced boolean logic. Technically the WHILE loop and the FOR loop are also part of the curriculum but they are not really necessary in Processing as the DRAW function is a looping function itself. I cover while and for loops at a simple level in grade 10 and then will do an extensive review in grade 11 when we switch to Java.

Full Credit Projects

The last 10-12 classes of my CS10 course is dedicated to an individualized project. About half of my students have been choosing a Processing Project. About half choose Game Maker. A few choose webdesign. Below are some documents I use with those students. Some have pages dedicated to each type of projects so you may need to scroll down to find Processing resources.

Processing Resources

Processing.org - The main page for the language has some very easy to understand tutorials

LearningProcessing.com - This is a companion site for a book but the site itself is the first I used to really dig into how Processing works. I have since picked up the book.

Getting Started with Processing - This ebook was recently recommended to me but I have not yet had a chance to check it out.