Deer Creek Intermediate Music

Grades 4-5 general music meets every THIRD day for 42 minutes.  In general music classes, students participate by singing songs, moving, playing instruments, and learning how to write and read music. Students in 6th through 8th grade can participate in either General Music or Band and meet every THIRD day for 42 minutes.  In General Music classes, students learn about the history of Jazz,  the history of Rock, and the history of Black Music in America. Band is offered to 4th through 8th graders.  Jam Session is offered for 5-8 graders as an Enrichment course and it meets DAILY for 30 minutes. This is a time for students to simply practice their instrument and get help as needed. Choir is offered for 6-8 graders as an Enrichment course which meets DAILY for 30 minutes.

More information is listed under the subpages for Deer Creek.