Mulga Adult Membership

We welcome adult participation in three main areas:

    • Adult Leaders (uniformed)

    • Parent Committee

    • Adult Helpers (non-uniformed)

We also strongly encourage all families to be actively involved in the Group activities.

Adult Leaders

Uniformed leaders are the backbone of the program delivery in the youth sections. If you would like more information on becoming a uniformed leader please contact the Mulga Group Leader on the email address provided on the contact page.

Each section is run by volunteer leaders, who are provided with appropriate training and support by the Scout Association. To help assure the safety of your children the Association obtains references and does a police check on all new leaders. All leaders and parent helpers must have a Working with Vulnerable People card. We are always seeking additional support and would be grateful for any assistance that you can provide. This could range from assisting casually on a meeting night, or taking the plunge and becoming a uniformed leader.

Parent Committee

An important part of the Group is the Committee. The Committee consists of parent volunteers in a non-uniformed capacity. Without a group committee the Group would fail to function effectively. The committee provide the infrastructure used by the Group. Amongst other things, they manage the hall, organise fundraising (hall hire, fee collection, fundraisers etc) purchase and store equipment, and manage the hall cleaning. If you are interested in providing any support to the Group Committee please let the Group Leader or Group President know.

Adult Helpers

Some scouting sections within Mulga have Adult Helpers to assist the leaders on nights and camps. The jobs are vast and varied but are important to ensure the Leaders are able to focus on the program.

Adult helpers are authorized to assist and camp with the scouts because they have satisfied the criteria of the Scout Association to work with young children, which includes a police check and Working with Vulnerable People card. As a result an adult cannot assist or stay overnight at a camp without being an adult helper.

Being an Adult Helper is a great way to become actively involved in the Mob, Pack or Troop with your child. Please talk to the leaders to offer your assistance.