2019 News

November 2019

On Sunday November 10, 2019 the Mulga Scout Group walked to the top of Simpsons Hill in Chisholm and conducted a Remembrance Day Ceremony.

In the weeks leading up to the ceremony each section made a poppy wreath to represent their section and also to pay their respects to those who have served and who are currently serving. 

The Joeys made their wreath using pipe cleaners and paper, the Cubs used wire twisted together, the Scouts tied a knot wreath from rope and the Venturers made an actually poppy out of recycled metal.

We started the ceremony with the breaking and flying of the Australian flag and then representatives from each of the sections performed a reading while others laid their wreaths at the memorial. We then had a minutes silence before each section broke off to have a reflection, followed by Anzac Biscuits that the Cubs had made for us and the lowering of the flag while the last post played.

Thank you to everyone who attended!!! The Mulga leadership team have decided that since this event was such a success that this will be an annual event on our calendar.

December 2019

During the Christmas Break Mulga Scout Group helped with the Bushfire Emergency that gripped Australia. We opened our hall doors to the public to take donations and provide a safe space for people that had to evacuate from their homes.

We opened our doors on the Friday evening and kept them open 24/7 until the following Thursday evening, we collected and distributed a large amount of food, clothing and essentials that had been kindly donated to us by members of the public.

Thank you to everyone who helped with donations of the above items or the time to keep the hall open, we even got an official thank you in the Scouts ACT Newsletter. A link to the newsletter is available on the useful links page