COVID 19 Safety Plan

At Mulga Scouts we take the safety of our members, families and the public seriously.

Below is our COVID 19 Safety Plan.

Mulga Scouts COVID-19 PLAN - 2022

General Requirements

  • Check in requirement - Everyone aged 16 years and older MUST check in using the Check in CBR app. Youth Members will be recorded by the Section Leaders.

  • Physical distancing and hygiene - Leaders, Scouts and visitors MUST NOT attend a Scout meeting if they are unwell and will be sent home if they have symptoms of COVID-19. All Leaders, Scouts and visitors will be required to physically distance where possible, and maintain appropriate hand and respiratory hygiene.

  • Masks - While in the hall face masks are to be worn by those 12 years and older, indoors, unless exempt.

    • Scouts and visitors between the ages of 7 and 12 are encouraged to wear a mask if they are comfortable in doing so, this is at the discretion of the Scout and their Parents/Carers.

    • The Scout Group will make allowances for those who are not able to wear masks where required.

  • Cleaning - COVID-Safe cleaning practices will be in place to ensure regular cleaning of high touch surfaces, frequently used objects, common areas, toilets and equipment.

  • Activities - Where possible Scouting activities will be held outdoors

  • External activities are allowed and should follow the COVID-19 rules and requirements of the activity venue

  • Sleepover, camps and overnight activities are allowed and should follow ACT Scouting COVID-19 rules and requirements as required

Reporting Requirements

  • Scouts & Families - if a member of ScoutsACT (youth or adult) tests positive to COVID-19 and they have attended Scouts from the 2 days before they started having symptoms or tested positive, they are asked to inform their Section or Group Leader.

  • Section Leaders - if a member of ScoutsACT (youth or adult) tests positive to COVID-19 and they have attended Scouts from the 2 days before they started having symptoms or tested positive, they are asked to inform their Section or Group Leader.

  • Group Leader - While maintaining the privacy of the member, their Section or Group Leader should advise other members who attended the same section meeting or event that a member in attendance has tested positive to COVID-19. How Section or Group Leaders inform members will vary according to the age and capacity of the members involved, and Section/Group leaders are best placed to decide this.

As well as informing members of their potential exposure to COVID-19 members should be encouraged to follow the advice of ACT Health provided at In particular, members should be directed to the section titled ‘What should I do if I have been exposed to COVID-19?’. Their level of risk and what they need to do will vary according to the circumstances of the session they attended.

Hall Hire

  • All activities in the Scout Hall must comply with density requirements as per posted Scout Hall signage

  • If a positive COVID-19 case is identified as attending a hall hire the person who has hired the hall MUST immediately contact the Hall Hire Officer who MUST immediately contact the Group Leader.

  • The person who has hired the Scout Hall must ensure that the COVID-Safe cleaning practices as per the above are completed. They will also ensure that the Scout Hall has been completely cleaned when they vacate the Scout Hall.

If you would like to read the Scouts ACT COVID 19 Safety Plan it can be found at this is updated regularly to comply with the ACT Government requirements.