2021 News

Our Venturers showing our Joeys and Cubs the gas powered forge that they have had built

5 December 2021

Our Joeys and Cubs are holding their Bushcraft and Campcraft Camp at Camp Cottermouth

28 October 2021

We held a little ceremony outside our hall tonight for Charlotte and Ryan two of Canberra’s Exceptional Young People and the ACT Joey Scout Commissioner. Thank you again for all you do for us.


29 May 2021

Joeys tonight celebrated Autumn with leaf activities including making leaf angels and leaf fights

18 May 2021

Scouts tonight conquering the fear of heights and enjoying Crate Stacking

Thanks Dingo for arranging the equipment and running another great night

15 May 2021

Our Joeys and Cubs went on there 2 night JOTT camp this weekend at Woods Reserve. The weather was below zero but we enjoyed 2 hikes including to see the waterfall, warm campfires and lots of free time to just be kids. 

2 May 2021


As of start of May 2021 the Mulga Cubs will now meet on Monday Nights from 6pm - 7:30pm

25 April 2021

“For we are one and free.” 

We paid tribute at our inaugural Anzac Day Dawn Service to our past and present servicemen and servicewomen. Our thoughts are with the families of those who never made it back, and those who did with injuries seen or unseen. Lest we forget. #anzacday2021 #theirserviceourheritage  #scoutsaustralia #scouts #scoutsact #canberra #wearecbr #tuggeranong