COVID Protocols (as of 8/18/22)

Masks will be optional for all individuals while inside the school building. Masks will be provided for students and staff who choose to wear one.

Masks should be worn by individuals who exhibit COVID symptoms while at school and are waiting to be picked up.

Should an outbreak occur, or the cases in the community begin to rise we will revisit our policy.

Isolation and Quarantine

IF tested positive

If You Had No Symptoms

You may end isolation after day 5

If You Had Symptoms

You may end isolation after day 5 If:

You are fever-free for 24 Hours (Without the use of fever-reducing medication)

Your symptoms are improving

Quarantine is no longer recommended for people who are exposed to COVID-19. Individuals who are exposed to COVID can choose to wear a well-fitting mask and get tested.

Cohort and Gatherings

There is no longer any recommendation for a cohort.

Large gatherings and student assemblies may be held.

Symptom Self-Checks

Students and staff should continually self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and must stay home if they show any of the following symptoms.

Symptoms include:

• Fever Or Chills

• Cough

• Shortness Of Breath Or Difficulty Breathing

• Fatigue

Muscle Or Body Aches


New Loss Of Taste Or Smell

Sore Throat

Congestion Or Runny Nose

Nausea Or Vomiting


Should any of these symptoms be identified, please take an at-home COVID-19 antigen test. If symptoms arise while at school, please ask the office to conduct an antigen test.

Please stay home if you are sick and keep your student(s) home when they are sick.


We encourage all eligible individuals to stay current with available COVID vaccines.

COVID-19 Testing

The CDC no longer recommends routine screening in K-12 schools.

The Test-to-Stay program is no longer in place since quarantine recommendations have been removed.

Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette

School staff will continue to teach and reinforce proper hand washing and reinforce covering coughs and sneezes to lower the risk of spreading the virus. Hand sanitizer will be available at the school.