Sports - Lasockey

Rules and Gameplay: (Subject to change in language and interpretation.)  "Lasockey" is an ever-changing combination of Lacrosse, Soccer, and Hockey played with our robotic players.  Each class is divided into 2 teams with 1 lego kit per 2 people on each team.  It is the team's responsibility to cooperate and assign duties to each member in the building and function of each robot.  The game is then played similarly to most field sports where each team has a side of the field to defend and shoots the ball on the opponent's goal.  Size restrictions are placed on each robot in its "resting" form by placing a box over the robot and seeing if it fits well inside.

Making the Team (Try-outs):

In order for your robot to be eligible to play in our Lasockey game, it must complete the following separate tasks. I will be offering programming refreshers during class, and listen at the beginning of class for times.

Extra Directions:

taskbot Build.pdf