Scratch Art

Using the programming environment Scratch students will recreate their own versions of a famous artist's' paintings using "tools" that they program themselves. To do this students will;

    • Analyze work from the artist

    • Break the art down into the simplest possible shapes (Squares, Rectangles, Circles, Ovals, Triangles..)

    • Create / Program "tools" that mimic the artist's style as best as possible

    • Create their own drawings using these tools in the artist's style

Each tool will have variables that need to be controlled in order to get the desired effect and shape.

Creating the tools: Below are INCOMPLETE examples to get you started, please analyze and experiment with the options and see the results. Once you have tool settings that work write them down or take screenshots so you will remember them.

    1. Square / Rectangle tool - Below are example steps to create a rectangle tool, what needs to change in order to alter the shape and its color? When looking at this code please consider the following tools and it's implications on the result.

      1. Why "go to mouse pointer?"

      2. Why "point in direction?"

      3. Where would I change the color?

      4. What steps make the shape?

    1. Circle / Oval tool - Below are example steps to create a rectangle tool, what needs to change in order to alter the shape and its color?

      1. Why do I have the repeat set to 720 when 360 would create a full circle?

      2. Why are the move and turn steps include random?

      3. Why are other items random?

    1. Create at least 2 other tools that would be helpful to you and share with your classmates.