
Because and elephant never forgets.

Evernote is a piece of software designed for note keeping and collaboration. Evernote allows you to record, categorize, and share text,

Young Bull (Level 2)

Demonstrate mastery of Level 1

Demonstrate use of evernote to complete and objective

Create and demonstrate the use of an organizational scheme

Create and demonstrate the use of tags as a way to organize and find notes

Log on to the evernote web and share a notebook with a colleague for collaborative purposes

Matriarch (Level 3)

Demonstare mastery of Levels 1, 2

Create and demonstrate best practices for Evernote

Identify and share resources with colleagues

Help colleagues develop organizational schemes

Help colleagues identify appropriate uses for evernote for school use

Web Resources:

Evernote Resource Library

Getting Started

10 Tips for Teachers

Evernote as a research tool for students

Evernote discussion groups

Top 10 uses for teachers

Science teacher shares his top tips

Ron's Evernote tips

Evernote Blog

10 Evernote uses for teachers

Evernote for E-Portfolios

audio, picture, and video notes. This page is designed to be a spring board for Evernote resources, ideas, as well as a professional development tool. Learning Evernote is an excellent professional development opportunity because it will help you stay organized, collaborate with others, reference support materials faster, and track student progress for assessment. Please see below for the professional development schedule and web resources.

Calf (Level 1)

Open Evernote on the computer

Demonstrate ability to create notebooks

Demonstrate ability to view, create, edit, and delete text, video, picture and audio notes