Middle School Laptop Program

In September of 2008, a pilot laptop program was initiated with the 7th grade students at St. James Academy. The program increased student motivation for learning, facilitated access to information, enhanced the potential for analyzing and synthesizing information, and provided 21st Century tools to communicate knowledge. Student surveys conducted in the spring of 2009 indicated that the program assisted in organization, increased technology skills, and “changed the way students learn at SJA in a positive way.” Parent and teacher survey results also indicated the success of the program.

A laptop will be assigned to each student for use throughout his/her middle school career. The computer will be returned to school during extended holidays and the summer, and it remains the property of St. James Academy. A user fee of $200.00 will be required prior to accepting the responsibility of transporting the laptop to and from school. This nonrefundable fee covers insurance and maintenance for two years. If this fee presents a financial burden on your family, please see Mr. Adler.

Students will be introduced to the laptops during various classes throughout the school day. In addition, students will discuss Acceptable Use Procedures, develop MacBook Rules of the Road, and acknowledge consequences of inappropriate use. In lieu of having to come to school to attend a laptop meeting we ask that you and your son/daughter complete a series of steps to ensure safe and proper care of the laptops.

  1. Read both sides of the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and sign the front side.

  2. Take the quiz with your child; your son or daughter should be able to explain most of the questions and proper answers to you. We will review the results and address any incorrect answers with your child.

  3. $200 non refundable insurance fee (Checks should be made payable to St. James Academy.)

The 2013 – 2014 school year offers exciting new learning adventures; we look forward to sharing these experiences with you!


Joe Edel

Technology Coordinator