Long-Term Substitute Absences

Long-Term Substitute Attendance Log

Long-term substitutes are those who have been assigned using a N.E.R.F. form. They have taken over a classroom for an extended period of time. They should not sign in each morning on the daily log for short-term substitutes. They should be using the Long-Term Substitute Weekly Log form.

  1. Once each week, preferably on Friday, the long-term substitute needs to enter their time.

  2. Secretaries should check for accuracy and sign off after completing the job verification in eSchool.

  3. Fill out the "S.U.S.D. Long-Term Substitute Weekly Log" items below:

    • Place a check-mark in the box below the day(s) of the week they were present at work.

    • If they were absent for personal reasons, leave the space blank. If they were at a school event (athletics, professional development, site school business, etc.) a check mark should be in the box so they get paid.

    • Job Number

    • Teacher's name or "vacancy" if they are filling in for a vacant position.

    • Long-term substitute's Printed Name

    • Substitute's signature to verify accuracy

Long-Term Substitute Absence Entry in eSchool

When one of your long-term substitute teachers is absent due to any personal reason, jury duty, or illness, please make sure you do not verify the absence date as a finished job.

When substitutes are entered for long-term jobs, they have a simple job start date and job end date in eSchool. If they request a substitute, eSchool does NOT make any automatic adjustments. If you verify a finished job and do not catch this, they will get paid when they should not. Please see below:


Long-Term Substitute Mary is scheduled to work from September 1, 2019 to December 10, 2019.

Long-Term Substitute Mary is sick on September 15, 2019 and requests that Substitute Robert cover her classes.

At the end of the day on September 15th (after the jobs close at 3:30 PM), you will see a full-day job for Long-Term Substitute Mary and also a full-day job for Substitute Robert. Long-Term Substitute Mary should NOT be paid for working when she was absent. If you click to verify this absence, you are incorrectly telling me that Long-Term Substitute Mary was at work and she will get paid when she should not.

Instead of verifying that Long-Term Substitute Mary was at school, you need to completely delete the job that says she was there. To do this:

      1. Click on the job number link from your job report.

      2. This will pull up the job details page.

          • Make SURE you see the correct date that needs deleted.

          • This MUST be done after 3:30 PM (after the job closes) on the day of the job in question.

          • Make sure you are deleting a single date and not a range of dates.

      3. About 4 inches down on the left side of the page, click "Cancel Job."

      4. You will get a message that asks if you "are sure" you want to cancel.

      5. Click "Yes."

          • As long as the job is "finished," it will only delete the selected date.

          • If you try to do this before the job is finished at 2:30 PM, you will delete multiple days.

      6. Make sure that September 15th is NOT checked off for Long-Term Substitute Mary on the Sign-In Sheet you submit.


Long-term substitute Mary is scheduled to work from September 1, 2019 to December 10, 2019.

Long-Term substitute Mary is at District training (Professional Learning Institute), absent for Athletics/JTED/Fine Arts or out for Site School Business on September 12, 2019. Long-Term Substitute Mary requests that Substitute, Robert cover her classes.

Since Long-Term Substitute Mary is "technically" working on September 15th, she will need to be paid a full day and so will Substitute Robert. Both jobs should be verified when finished and reported on the sign-in sheet for payroll.