Employee Absence Report Creation

Employee Absence Report Creation

  1. Log into eSchool
  2. ​On the "Administrator" drop-down, select "Profile Inquiry/Reports" and "General."
  3. Enter all or part of the employee name and "Search."
  4. If their profile page does not open, select the name from the list generated to open their profile page.
  5. Under the "Employee" drop-down men, select, "Absences".
  6. Use the following:
      • Enter Job #: leave blank
      • Split from Job #: leave blank
      • Job Type: "All"
      • Job Status: "All, exclude cancelled"
      • Sub Status: "All"
      • Search from: enter the date range you wish to use, in MM/DD/YYYY format.
      • Sort Order: Select the entry that works best for your needs.
  7. Click "Search."
  8. If you need a formatted report, click the "Create Report" button.
  9. Select the options you wish to include in your report.
  10. Click, "View Report."