Short-Term Substitute Daily Check-In

Short-Term Daily Substitute Check-In

  1. Absence entered in eSchool by staff member or employee.

  2. ​Job assigned to a substitute via eSchool.

  3. Substitute reports to site office for check-in.

  4. Fill out the "S.U.S.D. Weekly Guest Teacher Sign-In" items below:

    • Date

    • Job Number

    • Teacher's Name

    • Substitute Printed Name

    • Day Length

        1. Half-Day is 4-hours or less

        2. Full-Day is more than 4-hours

        3. 6/5ths only applies if the full-time teacher has a 6/5ths contract schedule. Do NOT report as in-house coverage during a planning period.

        4. Extra Duty is when a substitute fills in for a different teacher during a scheduled planning time and is recorded separately on the Extra Duty Log--DO NOT record as 6/5ths or this time is reported twice. Extra Duty jobs are NOT reported on the daily short-term substitute log.

    • Time In

    • Key # Out (cross column out if N/A)

    • Laptop # Out (cross column out if N/A)

  5. At the end of the work day, Guest Teacher returns to site office for check-out.

  6. Guest Teacher completes the "S.U.S.D. Weekly Guest Teacher Sign In" items below:

      • Signature

      • Time Out

      • Key In (if applicable)

      • Laptop In (if applicable)

  1. Site-verify after jobs close at 3:30 PM.