Advanced Placement (AP)

The test registration deadline for the 2023 - 24 exams will be Nov 1st.  Students need to create an account with the College Board and add their class join codes (this will be discussed in class) as part of the registration process.  All AP exam fees will be added to their Infinite Campus account.  Please note there is a late registration fee & a cancellation fee that CANNOT be waived.

2024 AP Test Dates are May 6-10 and May 13-17.  

An exam letter was shared with all students.  You can find a copy here

The site for the exams will be Dr Jones School (3300 Chicory Rd, Racine)

Advanced Placement (AP) is a program where students take college level classes and stand out in the admissions process while they are still in high school.  AP courses are college-level curriculum and the most rigorous type of course offered at Park.  Students who are enrolled in AP courses have the opportunity to take the national AP exam for the class in May of that year.  Students who score a 3 or better (5 is the top score) typically can earn college credit.  The amount of college credit awarded can vary by university; you can search for the university’s policy on the AP website.  The site lists information, fees and practice questions.  Questions about the AP program at Park High School can be directed to the AP Coordinator, Jennifer Binneboese, at 619-4415 or to Mallory Umar, district coordinator .

23-24 Advanced Placement Parent Night

Fall 2023 Student & Family Presentation

23-24 AP Letter to Families

Fall 2023 AP Letter to Students & Families

Why take an AP exam?

·      Earning a score of 3, 4, or 5 could lead to college credit

·      Learning how to prepare for this level of exam will give you practice preparing for college finals

·      In addition to an ACT score, colleges may use your AP test scores as valuable information reflecting how prepared you are to be successful in college

When are the exams?

The dates for the exams can be found here

How do I register for an AP exam?

Information will be forthcoming in your AP classes.  You will receive 2 join codes to add to your My AP account.  The codes add you to your teacher's AP classroom (this is different than their Google Classroom) & registers you for the exam.

How do I prepare for an AP exam?

While AP teachers work very hard to prepare you during your class time, to be the most successful on an AP exam you should plan on putting in extra time studying outside of class. Some teachers offer study sessions after school or on Saturdays, but not all. There are various study books you can purchase or check out from the library.

How do I know if I will receive college credit?

Many colleges award credit for a score of 3 or higher. To know for sure, you should go to the college website and search “Advanced Placement credits” and you can look at exactly how that college awards credits by subject and score. Some students have graduated from Park with 1 or 2 full semesters of college credit from AP exams.

*All other information on AP exams can be found at

Park AP Brochure (1).pdf

2023-2024 Park AP Brochure

Park AP Flowchart.pdf

AP & Advanced Class Flowchart/Sequence