Jason Spencer

Swarm Robotics using Master Slave


The use of aerial robotics is growing at an rapid rate. With drones becoming easier to

use and more affordable for the average person, testing the boundaries of the world and

robotics is only limited by our imagination. The purpose of this research is to test the

ability of nanodrones to communicate with one another via a master controller. The

Crazyflie 2.0 drone is used with a positioning system extension module to allow the drone

to be able to .find its location based on its position in an environment demarcated by localised 

positioning nodes. This report presents the communication model used to connect

the drones and the positioning nodes to the master. It presents the implementation of

the communication model focusing on the main methods. The report then looks at cases

studies of a fully implemented solution that shows how multiple drones can communicate

with the master computer, which in turn controls the drones based on the instruction

sent to the leader drone.