Number Plate Detection in Different Environments using Generative Adversarial Networks

Supervisor: Dr. Dane Brown

In real-world licence plate recognition scenarios, images are not as straightforward as the 'toy' datasets used to test the performance of existing systems. Real-world data is typically 'dirty' as it may contain poor lighting and occlusion, obscuring the information on a licence plate, making it difficult to detect. Cleaning input data before using it for licence plate recognition is a complex problem, and existing literature addressing the issue is still limited.

This research uses two deep learning techniques to improve licence plate visibility towards more accurate licence plate recognition.  A one-stage object detector called You Only Look Once (YOLO) is implemented for locating licence plates under challenging situations. Super-resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (SRGANs) are considered for image upscaling and reconstruction to improve the clarity of low-quality input. 

The main focus involves training these systems with datasets that include difficult to detect licence plates, enabling better performance in unfavourable conditions and environments, leading to increased accuracy.

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