
Dual College Credits

Students can get a head start on their college education by enrolling in the Dual College Credit program at MMTC.  Formal agreements with colleges provide students an opportunity to begin building their college transcript by completing a MMTC program.

Mid-Maine Technical programs approved for college credits:

Central Maine Community College                                       Eastern Maine Community College

Automotive Technology - 8 College Credits                            Construction Technology –  6 College Credits

Criminal Justice – 6 College Credits                                        Culinary Arts – 3 College Credits

Precision Machining – 4 College Credits                                 Electrical Technology –3 College Credits

                                                                                                  Information Technology - 9 College Credits 12

Kennebec Valley Community College                                    Northern Maine Community College

Information Technology – 6 College Credits                             Medical Terminology - 3 College Credits

English Composition/Technical Writing - 6 Credits

(Available to all MMTC students)

Early Childhood Education – 10 College Credits

Southern Maine Community College                                     Husson University

Mass Media Communications – 18 College Credits                  Mass Media Communications – 6 College Credits

Emergency Medical Technician - 6 College Credits

Firefighter 1 & 2 - 6 College Credits


Students who are advanced in their technical skills and who demonstrate professional workplace behavior can be eligible for internships with local businesses pending recommendation from attend their internship once or twice a week during MMTC class time.

their MMTC instructor.  Students would attend their internship once or twice a week during MMTC class time.

Integrated Academic Credits

Integrated Academic Credits may be earned for high school graduation by completing an approved course at Mid-Maine Technical Center.  Prior written approval from the student’s high school guidance counselor must be obtained before seeking academic credit with this option.

Student must pass both the academic requirements and the technical program to a satisfactory level, in order to receive two credits for the technical program and one credit in math, fine arts, physical education, or science.

Mid-Maine Technical courses approved for applied academic credit:

Applied Math Credit                                      First Aid/CPR (only)

Automotive Systems (P.M. only)                      Emergency Services

Electrical I & II (only 1 credit)                         Fire Fighting

Precision Machining                                         Pre-Nursing

* Machine Tool                                                 Outdoor Wilderness

* Machine Operations                                       First Aid/CPR                                         

Restaurant Operations                                      Child Care and Early Child Occupations

Residential Construction

Finish Carpentry                                               Fine Arts Credit

                                                                         Mass Media Communications

                                                                          Early Childhood Education

Science Credit                                               Finish Carpentry                                               

Pre-Nursing                                                      Residential Construction                                          

Emergency Services

Electrical Technology                                 Social Studies

Criminology                                                     Criminal Justice

Outdoor Wilderness