これまでのセミナー (2017年度)

第1回(2017年4月19日(水) 16:40--18:10)

講師: 斉藤 義久 氏 [立教大学]

題目: トロイダル代数について

概要: 表現論や数理物理学で中心的役割を果たすアフィンリー代数は,半単純リー代数gと1変数Laurent多項式環のテンソル積(loopリー代数)のuniversal central extensionとして定義される.他方,トロイダルリー代数とは,Laurent多項式環の変数の数を1から2に増やして得られる無限次元のリー代数で,定義からアフィンリー代数の自然な拡張とみなせる.しかし,トロイダルリー代数はKac-Moodyリー代数にはならない等,その性質はアフィンリー代数のそれと大きく異なっており,本格的な研究はこれまであまりされてこなかったと言って良い.


第2回(2017年5月10日(水) 16:40--18:10)

講師: 初田 泰之 氏 [立教大学]

題目: Calabi-Yau, Integrable Systems and 2d Electrons

概要: カラビ・ヤウ多様体を利用した可積分系及び2次元電子系の解析に対するアプローチの1つを紹介したい。前半で、カラビ・ヤウ多様体と相対論的戸田格子などの可積分系との対応の進展をレビューし、後半で2次元電子系との対応に関する最近の成果を報告する。

特に、2粒子系の戸田格子及びHofstadterの2次元電子模型のスペクトルが共に、局所Hirzebruch曲面 F0 の幾何学によって「解ける」ことを詳しく解説する。

第3回(2017年6月14日(水) 16:40--18:10)

講師: Frank Goehmann 氏 [Bergische Universität Wuppertal]

題目: Thermal form factor approach to dynamical correlation functions of integrable lattice models

概要: We have devised a method for calculating dynamical correlation functions at finite temperature in integrable lattice models of Yang-Baxter type. The method is based on an expansion of the correlation functions as a series over matrix elements of a time-dependent quantum transfer matrix rather than the Hamiltonian. In the infinite Trotter-number limit the matrix elements become time independent and turn into the thermal form factors studied previously in the context of static correlation functions. We make this explicit with the example of the XXZ model. We show how the form factors can be summed into a series of multiple integrals utilizing certain auxiliary functions solving finite sets of nonlinear integral equations. The case of the XX model is worked out in more detail leading to a novel form factor series representation of the dynamical transverse two-point function.

第4回(2017年7月12日(水) 16:40--18:10)

講師: 粟田 英資 氏 [名古屋大多元数理]

題目: The representation theory of the Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra

概要: The Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra (the quantum toroidal algebra of type gl(1)) is a one parameter deformation of the double $W_{1+¥infty}$ that is the central extension of the algebra of difference operators. It plays an essential role in the AGT relations. We will discuss on the recent development of the representation theory of the Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra.

第5回(2017年10月4日(水) 16:40--18:10)

講師: 小寺 諒介 氏 [京都大学]

題目: Cherednik algebras and quantized Coulomb branches

概要: Braverman-Finkelberg-Nakajima gave a mathematically rigorous definition of the Coulomb branches of 3d N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories as affine algebraic varieties. They are certain Poisson affine algebraic varieties and admit natural quantizations.

In this talk we consider the quantized Coulomb branches associated with quiver gauge theories of Jordan type. We prove that they are isomorphic to the spherical parts of (trigonometric and cyclotomic rational) Cherednik algebras.

This is a joint work with Hiraku Nakajima.

第6回(2017年10月18日(水) 16:40--18:10)

講師: 木村 太郎 氏 (慶應大学)

題目: Double quantization of Seiberg-Witten geometry and quiver W-algebras

概要: We propose a quiver gauge theoretic construction of q-deformed W-algebra through doubly quantum deformation of the geometric correspondence between 4d N = 2 (5d N= 1; 6d N = (1,0)) gauge theory and the (classical) algebraic integrable system. The underlying W-algebraic structure of moduli space of vacua is associated with the quiver structure, so that we obtain q-Virasoro from A_1 quiver and q-W_N from A_{N-1} quiver theories. In particular, the operator lift of doubly quantum Seiberg-Witten curve, called the qq-character, turns out to be the generating current, and the gauge theory partition function is given as a screening current correlator of the corresponding quiver W-algebra, which is interpreted as the dual version of the AGT relation. Based on our construction we can obtain a new W-algebra from affine quiver gauge theory, and an elliptic deformation of W-algebra from 6d quiver gauge theory. This talk is partially based on the review article


第7回(2017年11月15日(水) 16:40--18:10)

講師: 佐藤 僚 氏(東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)

題目: Modular transformation properties of characters of simple modules over the N=2 vertex operator superalgebra

概要: The classification of simple modules over the N=2 vertex operator superalgebra (VOSA) of central charge cp,p'=3(1-2p'/p) is obtained by D. Adamović via the Kazama-Suzuki coset construction. When p'=1, the simple modules coincide with the N=2 unitary minimal series. On the other hand, when p'>1, there are uncountably many simple modules and they are non-unitary.

Recently we compute the modular transformation law of the corresponding non-unitary characters (without the so-called "modular completion"). As an application, we propose a conjectural Verlinde formula for the non-unitary N=2 VOSA. Note that this is an analogue to the conjectural Verlinde formula for the admissible affine sl(2) VOA proposed by T. Creutzig and D. Ridout.

This talk is based on the paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.04882.

第8回(2017年12月20日(水) 16:40--18:10)

講師:押川正毅 氏 (東京大学物性研)

題目: Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition and Haldane Gap Phenomena — an extraordinary story behind the Nobel Prize in Physics 2016

概要:The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to D. J. Thouless, F. D. M. Haldane, and J. M. Kosterlitz for "theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter". The major work of Haldane, for which the Prize was awarded, was the remarkable prediction that the ground-state property of the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain is qualitatively different

depending on whether the spin quantum number is an integer or a half-odd-integer; there is a non-vanishing excitation gap only in integer-spin chains. Most of us learned from textbooks, reviews, and

lectures that the original prediction was based on the topological term of the effective field theory of the quantum spin chain, the O(3) non-linear sigma model. However, recollections by Haldane himself,

and the discovery of the "lost paper" revealed that the original discovery of the "Haldane gap" was based on a rather different argument, which was closely related to Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, another work for which the 2016 Prize was awarded. In this talk, I will review the history of "Haldane conjecture" which has had a fascinating twist perhaps because it was too revolutionary at the time, and its influence over the development of contemporary condensed matter physics.

第9回(2018年01月17日(水) 16:40--18:10)

講師:渡辺文彦 氏 (防衛大学校)

題目: Wirtinger積分とテータ因子の配置の幾何

概要: 超幾何函数は楕円曲線上の積分表示として表されることをWirtingerが示した(これをWirtinger積分と呼ぶ).この結果に触発されて講演者は積分表示の高次元化を目指している.1次元空間上の積分から移行して高次元空間上の積分を追求しようとすると因子配置のコホモロジーを調べる必要がある.このうち非常によく研究されてきたのは,射影空間内の超平面配置の(コ)ホモロジーであり,超幾何積分の幾何学的基礎を与えるものである.これに比べ,非有理的多様体上の因子配置についてはこれまであまり研究されて来なかったのではないかと思われる.Wirtinger積分が楕円曲線上の点配置に関する積分表示なので,この高次元化を追求するためにアーベル多様体上のテータ因子配置の幾何の研究に進むのは自然なことと思われる.最近2次元の場合にいくつか結果が得られたので本講演ではそれを紹介したい.時間があればツイストホモロジー類の構成にも触れる予定.

臨時セミナー(2018年2月26日(月) 10:00--16:15)

講師:立川 裕二 氏(東京大学カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構)


Title: Topological phases and anomalies in relativistic quantum field theories


Abstract: In the recent years, we have seen a great development in the understanding of topological phases and anomalies in the context of condensed matter physics. These new insights can also be usefully applied to the study of quantum field theory on the high energy physics side. In this lecture we will give a very elementary review of this subject.


10:00--11:30(90分) 講義

11:30--13:00(90分) お昼休み

13:00--14:30(90分) 講義

14:30--14:45(15分) 休憩

14:45--16:15(90分) 講義