これまでのセミナー (2020年度)

2020年度 第4回セミナー

題目:On the KPZ fixed point in discrete time TASEPs

講師:新井 裕太 氏(千葉大学)



概要:The totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) is one of the simplest interacting stochastic particle system and can be interpreted as a stochastic growth model of an interface, which turns out to belong to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class. In this talk we consider two versions of TASEPs with geometric and Bernoulli hopping probabilities. In these processes, we obtain a single Fredholm determinant representation for the joint distribution function of particle positions with arbitrary initial data. Using this, we show that in the KPZ 1:2:3 scaling limit, the distribution function converges to the one describing the KPZ fixed point was introduced by Mateski, Quastel and Remenik (2017). This talk is based on the paper DOI:10.1088/1751-8121/aba213.

2020年度 第3回セミナー

題目:Quenched free energy in random matrix model

講師:奥山 和美 氏(信州大学)



概要:We compute the quenched free energy in the Gaussian random matrix model by directly evaluating the matrix integral without using the replica trick.

We find that the quenched free energy is a monotonic function of the temperature and the entropy approaches log N at high temperature and vanishes at zero temperature.

This talk is based on [arxiv:1903.11776] and [arxiv:2009.02840].

2020年度 第2回セミナー

題目:Recent progress on representation theory of i-quantum groups




概要:i-quantum groups are certain coideal subalgebras of Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum groups appearing in the theory of quantum symmetric pairs. Typical examples of them are generalized q-Onsager algebras. i-quantum groups can be thought of as generalizations of quantum groups. In fact, many facts concerning quantum groups have been generalized to i-quantum groups setting. As a result, i-quantum groups are known or conjectured to play important roles in various branches of mathematics and physics such as harmonic analysis, knot theory, and integrable systems. In this talk, I will review fundamental results about i-quantum groups, and discuss representation theory of them.

2020年度 第1回セミナー

題目:Nonperturbative anomaly inflow for fermions and p-form fields




概要:I will talk about a nonperturbative formulation of chiral fermions and chiral (self-dual) p-form fields, in terms of massive theories in one-higher dimensions. The introduction of the higher dimensional bulk is unavoidable due to the existence of anomalies, and I discuss the modern understanding of anomalies which appears very naturally in our formulation of chiral theories.