Standard 9 - Facilities


Standard 9.1 - Training Stations - Training stations (bench and on-vehicle service and repair work) should be available in the type and number required for the performance of tasks outlined in the program goals and performance objectives.

9.1.A The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection.

ASE Task List and task sheets

NATEF Task List

All Automotive classes are capped at 18 students per section.

2017-2018 class sizes

Auto 2- 10 students

Auto 1- 17 students

Power and Energy(1)- 16 students

Power and Energy(2)- 18 student

Consumer Auto - 12 students

Standard 9.2 – Safety - The facilities should meet all applicable safety standards and an emergency plan should be in place and posted in all classrooms and lab/shop areas.

9.2.A The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of the location of signs. Pictures would be beneficial

Safety Signs

Tornado Procedure Fire Drill Regulations

Tornado Procedure Fire Drill Regulations

9.2.B The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of fire extinguishers. Pictures would be beneficial

Fire Extinguishers 1

Fire Extinguisher 2

Fire Extinguisher 3

Fire Extinguisher 4

9.2.C The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection and location of posted policy/procedures. Pictures would be beneficial

Policy/ Procedures Shop

Policy/ Procedures Classroom

9.2.D The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of lighting.

Drop Lights

9.2.E Note inspection schedule, show check list, and highlight pertinent comments in Advisory Committee minutes

9.2.F The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection to verify that all other applicable safety standards are met.

9.2.G The evaluation team will look for the identified vehicle traffic lanes.

Standard 9.3 – Emergency Maintenance and Repair - A written facilities maintenance program should be used to ensure facilities are suitable when required for instruction.

9.3.A Provide copy of written policy and procedures

If any maintenance work that needs to be done to the shops that is out of the instructors control a request is made on an online form and the maintenance staff will schedule a time to come in and make the necessary repairs to make the facility safe for instruction.

Maintenance request form

Standard 9.4 – Housekeeping - The classroom(s), lab/shop, and support area(s) should be kept clean and orderly.

9.4.A The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of the classroom & support areas.


9.4.B The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of the lab & support areas.

The custodial staff comes in every day after school and cleans the classroom area (take trash out, replenish paper towel, replenish soap, mop/sweep floor, disinfect table tops).

The custodial staff only takes the trash out and replenish paper towel and soap dispensers in the shop area. All the other cleaning is done by the students at the end of each lab day (oil spills, trash of shop floor, sweep and scrub shop floor, ext)

Standard 9.5 - Office Space - An area separate from the lab/shop should be available and convenient for the instructor(s) to use as an office.

9.5.A The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of the instructor’s office space. A picture would be beneficial.


Mr. G Office

Standard 9.6 - Instructional Area - A classroom convenient to, but separate from, the lab/shop area should be available for instruction and other non-lab/shop activities.

9.6.A The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of the classroom instructional area. A picture would be beneficial.


Lab Space

Lab Space 2

Standard 9.7 - Storage - Storage areas for tools, parts, supplies, and automobiles should be sufficient to support the activities outlined in the program goals and performance objectives. Security should be provided to prevent pilferage and vandalism.

9.7.A The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of tool storage. A picture would be beneficial.

Tool Storage Cart

Tool Storage Walls

9.7.B The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of parts and supplies storage. A picture would be beneficial.

Supply Storage

9.7.C The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of supplies storage.

Supply Storage

9.7.D Provide the storage area in for student toolboxes.

9.7.E The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of vandalism & pilferage prevention. Explain your prevention procedure.

Vandalism Procedure

Standard 9.8 - Support Facilities - Restrooms and clean-up areas should be provided for both male and female students and should be convenient to the instructional area.

9.8.A The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of clean-up areas available to


Clean-up area

9.8.B The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of restrooms available to students.


Standard 9.9 – Ventilation - An exhaust fume removal system should be in place and operational. When appropriate, heating and cooling systems should be used to provide sufficient comfort for learning.

9.9.A The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection and verify the function of exhaust

fume removal system.

Exhaust Fume Removal System

9.9.B The ETL and team members will interview instructors and students regarding HVAC

systems in the facility.

Standard 9.10 - First Aid - A first aid kit should be in place and should be maintained and comply with local regulations and school policy. A picture would be beneficial for all

9.10.A Provide copy of the written first aid policy. The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection.

First aid Policy - Page 7

9.10.B The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of the first aid kit availability.

First aid Kit location

9.10.C The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of the first aid kit contents and


First aid Kit Contents