Standard 7 - Instruction


7.1 PROGRAM - The training program should progress in logical steps, provide for alternate sequences, where applicable, and be made available to each student.

The first requirement of the program is to start and pass Power and Energy, this is a year long class. After Power and Energy students move into Auto 1, also a year long class. After Auto 1 they move to Auto 2, which meets all year and is a double period class. By there senior year they take Auto 2 a second time with a Youth Apprenticeship.

A. Provide a copy of the course outline and brochure.

Portage High School Course Outline

Transportation starts on page 76

7.2 STUDENT TRAINING PLAN - A training plan for each student should be developed and used, indicating the student's training goal(s) and specific steps needed to meet that goal. Students should be given a copy of their training plan.

A. Show an example of a student training plan or advisement sheet.

Student Pathway

Youth Apprentice Student Task List

7.3 PREPARATION TIME - Adequate time should be provided for teacher preparation and program development.

A. Show a copy of the Master Schedule and instructor office hours

Master Schedule of PHS

7.4 TEACHING LOAD - The instructor/student ratio and class contact hours should allow time for interaction on a one-to-one basis. A safe working environment should be considered when determining teach/student ratio.

In all automotive classes the class sizes are capped at 18 students.

A. – B. Show student enrollment sheets, indicate the number of training stations, and identify teaching assistants (if any).

Auto 1

Auto 2

Power and Energy 5th

Power and Energy 7th

Auto Trend

Standard 7.5 - Curriculum - All tasks have been given a priority rating. Ninety-five percent (95%) of the tasks designated as Priority 1 (P-1) must be taught in the curriculum. Eighty percent (80%) of the tasks designated as Priority 2 (P-2) must be taught in the curriculum. Fifty percent (50%) of the tasks designated as Priority 3 (P-3) must be taught in the curriculum.

Instruction on the legal aspects and responsibilities of the automobile technician in areas such as Environmental Protection Agency regulations, safety regulations, OSHA regulations, and other appropriate requirements must be included in the curriculum. Instruction and practice in filling out work order forms, ordering parts, and basic record keeping should be a part of the training program.

Tools and equipment must be available to perform the tasks in each of the areas for which accreditation is requested.

7.5.A Cross reference to curriculum, and student progress instrument.

NATEF Task List ,

Student Progress (Grade book) (Infinite Campus) Auto 1

Auto 1: Auto 2:

- Safety - Safety

- General Maintenance - Engine Repair

- Brakes - Transmissions

- Steering and Suspension - Engine Performance

- Electrical - HVAC

7.5.B Provide a copy of the tool inventory / location. The evaluation team will conduct a visual


Hand Tool List

General Equipment

Specialty Equipment

7.5.C Provide syllabus (with information highlighted), course descriptions, job sheets, student

materials, etc.

Power and Energy Syllabus

Automotive Tech 1 Syllabus

Automotive Tech 2 Syllabus

7.5.D Provide samples of work order forms, parts order form, and show how time spent on task is


Students/ Customers submit work order form online

Work Request

Students use NapaProLink to create estimates, work orders, parts order form for live work.


Record of time spent on task

Standard 7.6 - Student Progress - A record of each student's progress should be maintained through the use of a progress chart or other method. The record should indicate tasks required for program completion.

7.6.A Provide the school policy on student evaluation, sample of student progress chart, and use an

actual record with student identifying information blocked out.

Student Evaluation is kept track on Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus is the student information system to manage our student records. Included in the system is a Parent Portal. The Portal allows students, parents and guardians to have access to student information, including attendance, grades, and schedules. I also keep evaluation progress on the CDX site. It is easy for students to navigate and see what they have done and what they do not have done.

CDX Progress chart

Student progress chart

Standard 7.7- Performance Standards - All instruction should be performance based, with an acceptable performance standard stated for each task. These standards should be shared with students and potential employers. Students should demonstrate competency of a task.

Auto 1 and Auto 2 have similar task that the students complete in class. In Auto 2 and 1 we use the CDX task sheets. Task sheets are graded on a four point scale. A one grade meaning minimal exposure to the task and four or five meaning mastery of the task.

A. Provide a task sheet or other measurement tool.

CDX task sheet Auto 2 and 1

B. Provide the evaluation criteria from the syllabus, progress chart, or task sheet.

Auto 2 Syllabus evaluation categories

C. Provide a task sheet student progress chart.

Task Sheet Progress chart

Standard 7.8 - Safety Standards - Safety instruction must be given prior to lab/shop work and be an integral part of the training program. A safety test must be included in the training program. Students and instructors should comply with personal and environmental safety practices associated with clothing; eye protection; hand tools; power equipment; proper ventilation; and the handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals/materials in accordance with local, state, and federal safety and environmental regulations.

A. Show an example of the safety test, course of study, course outline, posters, etc.

Power and Energy

Video Pre Safety Test Auto 1 & 2

Video Post Safety Test Auto 1 & 2

Safety Scavenger Hunt Checklist

Course Outline Website

Safety Glasses Signs

Tire Changer Warnings

B. Provide the course of study and sample of the safety test.

C. The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection of markings on lanes, guards, posting of safety rules and signage, and present an example of a student contract.

Standard 7.9 - Personal Standards - All training activities and instructional material should emphasize the importance of maintaining high personal standards.

Most of the student interaction is through email. Since we can't use phones during the day and customers are usually teaching a class we use the email system to contact customers. This is a good process for keeping track of the interaction between customer and technician. Also, gives students a chance to really think about how they should write the email and being professional.

A. The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection. Provide instructional materials, class / lab / shop rules that indicate:

1. the importance of maintaining good relationships with fellow employees

Youth Apprentiships (Trecek Motors, Portage Diesel, Johnson Sales)

Partnership with NAPA

2. respect for fellow students' tools and other property

Bully Policy

3. the development of good customer relations

Portage Auto in the news

4. appropriate clothing similar to that found in local shops

Attire for school

5. student cleanliness to ensure seats, steering wheels, etc. are not greasy or damaged after the job is complete

Seat covers used to keep inside of vehicles clean. Complete checks of vehicle to make sure no greasy finger prints are on the vehicle inside and out.

6. the use of fender covers

Fender Cover

Standard 7.10 - Work Habits/Ethics - The training program should be organized in such a manner that work habits and ethical practices required on the job are an integral part of the instruction.

7.10.A The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection. Describe attendance policy, etc. That indicates the training program is organized so that appropriate work habits developed in the training program are similar to work habits required on the job.

Attendance Policy: Page 5

Auto classes are treated similar to a work place environment. Be to work on-time (bell rings and in seat). Human resource (interactions with others). Payment (daily grade). Leaving at the end of day (clean up work area/tools/ everything secure)

7.10.B That emphasis is placed upon ethical practices.

Academic Integrity: Page 3

The auto shop class is treated like a place of business. Students are trained to work with customers from beginning to end of a job. After a request is received the instructor assigns the job to a individual student or group. From there the student tech is responsible for inspecting, estimating, given written estimates, and performance of the task to solve the customers concern/ complaint.

Standard 7.11 - Provision for Individual Differences - The training program should be structured in such a manner that students with different levels of cognitive and psychomotor skills can be accommodated.

7.11.A Provide ADA information, equipment modifications, differential instruction, and provide an example of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) if applicable.

Civil Rights : Page 10

IEP summary

Standard 7.12 - Related Instruction - Instruction in related mathematics, science, communications, and interpersonal relations should be provided and coordinated with ongoing instruction in the training program. This instruction should be provided by a qualified instructor.

7.12.A Show syllabus/job sheets with objectives and examples of tasks where related instruction is provided (OHM’s Law, Pascal’s Law, gear ratio, etc.); SkillsUSA Professional Development Program if appropriate.


Ohms Law


7.12.B Show copy of instructor teaching credential.

All Teachers at Portage High School have DPI teaching license

Teaching Credential

Standard 7.13 – Testing - Both written and performance based tests should be used to validate student competency. Students should be encouraged to take industry recognized certification tests, such as the ASE Student Certification Test or ASE Professional Certification test.

7.13.A Show samples of written tests to evaluate cognitive and manipulative task performance.

A. Show samples of written tests.


B. Show sample job sheets.

Job Sheet

C. Show sample of the rating scale used.

Rating Scale

D. Show posters, ASE test registration materials, describe provisions made for taking ASE tests.

ASE Student Test Login ASE Student Testing Results 15-16

Testing Policies ASE Student Testing Results 16-17

ASE Student Testing Results 17-18

Standard 7.14- Evaluation of Instruction - Instructional procedures should be evaluated in a systematic manner. This evaluation should be through regular reviews by students and the administration. Self-evaluation of instruction should also be utilized on a systematic and regular basis. This system should include input from former students and the Advisory Committee members. Instructional procedures should show responsiveness to the feedback from these evaluations.

7.14.A - E. Provide an explanation of the overall program evaluation policy and plan. Show samples of the instructor evaluation instrument, etc.

Your program will be rated on the following:

Portage Auto program is evaluated by current and former students by the process of a survey. I share those results with my advisory team to have conversations on what can be approved on in the auto program. I also have regular conversations with students who have graduated and what they are learning in school and or there jobs they hold to try and update the curriculum.

A. Is a systematic program evaluation system used to make decisions about program efficiency, effectiveness, and content?

With the use of Administration, student surveys, and Advisory Committee input make the decisions about efficiency, effectiveness, and content to be covered.

B. The use of student input/participation in the evaluation process of instruction.

Student Survey

C. The use of instructor(s) evaluations in the evaluation process.

The use of My Learning Plan to evaluate my own personal goal (PGI)

D. The use of self-evaluation of instruction on a regular basis in the evaluation process.

Portage High School uses My Learning Plan (CESA model) to evaluate their educators.

E. The use of student follow-up data in the evaluation process.

Standard 7.15 – On-Vehicle Service and Repair Work - On-vehicle service and repair work should be scheduled to benefit the student and supplement ongoing instruction on items specified in the NATEF task list. A student should have had instruction and practice on a specific repair task before on-vehicle service and repair work requiring that task is assigned. Vehicles donated by the manufacturers or other sources, customer-owned vehicles, and other training vehicles may be used as the primary source of on-vehicle service and repair work. Training program student-owned vehicles, school buses, and other vehicles owned and operated by the governing body of the school must not be the primary source of on-vehicle service and repair work vehicles. All vehicles in the lab/shop should have a completed industry-type work order attached to or on the vehicle.

A. Show task sheets and repair orders. The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection.

B. Show course of study & a copy of student task sheets, lab sheets, progress charts, work order.

C. Provide a copy of the program policy.

Request Form

D. Show a sample work order. The evaluation team will conduct a visual inspection

Work Order

Your program will be rated on the following:

    • the degree to which on-vehicle service and repair work benefits the student and supplements on-going instruction.

    • the degree to which a student had instruction and practice on a specific repair task before on-vehicle service and repair work is assigned.

    • the degree to which the program policies do not allow the following as the primary source of on-vehicle service and repair work:

1. students in the automobile technician training program working on their own vehicles

Students own vehicles is not their primary source. Students practice the bigger task on trainers and auto shop vehicles before the skill is performed on personal vehicles.

2. school buses or other vehicles owned & operated by the governing body of the school.

We do not work on School vehicles that are in operation.

Standard 7.16 – Articulation - Agreements between programs with equivalent competencies should be used to eliminate unnecessary duplication of instruction and foster continued study.

7.16.A Show copy of the articulation agreement. N/A.