2. Rock Cycle


Sections on this page- Complete these tasks.

1- Rock Cycle Notes - Fill in the Blank -Worksheet given in class. Scroll down and use the information to complete your Fill in the Blank Worksheet on the Rock Cycle.

2- Rock Cycle Clips - Go to Bottom of page and watch the video on Rock Cycle

3- Rock Cycle Interactive Links

4- Web Quest - Rock Cycle - Scroll through each page from the list on the left and explore how rocks are made and shaped.


The ROck Cycle

Image result for rock cycle annenberg learner


Start with molten rock, known as magma deep in the mantle. It rises to the crust and cools to make rocks.

Some of it cools and hardens within the crust and some of it exits the crust at fault lines and through volcanic eruptions. We call it lava once it exits the crust. Magma/lava can only solidify into Igneous Rocks initially.

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1. IGNEOUS ROCK (Intrusive and Extrusive)

MAGMA is molten rock found in the earth's mantle. LAVA is magma that has exited the crust on the surface.

IGNEOUS rock is made when magma or lava exists the mantle cools and hardens. If the magma solidifies in the crust it is called Intrusive Igneous Rock. Lava on the crust solidifies into Extrusive Igneous Rock .

INTRUSIVE IGNEOUS rock is formed when magma cools and hardens within cracks in the crust before it can escape to the surface. Intrusive igneous rocks crystallize (solidify) below the Earth's surface. The slow cooling that occurs there allows rocks with large crystals to form. “Veins” of metallic minerals like gold and silver are created this way. Granite and quartz are intrusive igneous igneous rocks.

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EXTRUSIVE IGNEOUS rocks occur when lava erupts onto the surface at volcanoes or cracks in the crust we call fault lines. The lava cools quickly on the surface and forms igneous rocks with small crystals like Basalt, obsidian, and pumice.

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Image result for igneous rocks



Sedimentary Rock is created from pieces of other rocks (sand, gravel, clay) called sediment.

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It can sometimes be seen as layers in rock, depending on the type of sedimentary it is. When rock is weathered (broken down to smaller pieces), and eroded (swept or moved away by water or gravity), and deposited (placed/piled) somewhere else, it creates layers of sediment (dirt/mud) composed of sand/silt/gravel that is eventually hardened (cementation) into sedimentary rock. Any kind of rock type can be weathered and eroded and eventually reform as new sedimentary rock.

Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rock.

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When rock is weathered (broken up), and eroded (collected and moved/swept away), and deposited (placed/piled) somewhere else, it creates layers of sediment (dirt/mud) composed of sand/silt/gravel that eventually harden into sedimentary rock. All three types of rocks can be weathered and reform as new sedimentary rock.

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If igneous or sedimentary rock undergoes heating and pressure deep in the earth’s crust, it transforms into metamorphic rock. It could reform into sedimentary rock.

Rock layers can be folded under other layers of the crust. This process can move surface rocks deep down in rock layers of the crust or even move deep layers to the surface over time.

Colliding plates (India/Asia) can also compress (squeeze) and fold layers of the crust, creating metamorphic rock we see in some mountains.

Image result for folded mountains


1. Rock Cycle Animation.. good site- Ignore Redirect notice- go to page

2. 5. Interactive Animation