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CGC 2019 Resources
Home Pages
1. Canada: An Overview
2. Course Outline CGC 1D
2. DIvergent
4. Map Scale
Course Outline
Course Outline
Learning English
3. Ottawa Seasons
Period 2
Period 2
Planning page
1. CANADA : Maps and Skills
1. Maps Of Canadian Locations
2. Important lines of Lat and Long
2. O Canada Trivia
copies maps
3. Latitude and Longitude
4. Map Notes and Skills
4. Maps Lie
5. GIS
5. Location and Sense of Place
6. Contour Lines
6. How does a compass work
6. Latitude and Longitude
7. Hemispheres
Compass Skills
Compass with Google Earth
Google Earth
TEXTBOOK - Mapping Skills
Topographic Maps
Copy of 1. Maps Of Canadian Locations
1. Convergent Boundaries
1. Convergent Boundary
1. NOTES on Lat and Long
10. Climate Case Studies
1. Monarch Butterfly
2. Snow Fall Study
3. Air Pollution
123 Resources
1. Industry and Economy
1. Task 1
1. World Maps
2. Maps of Canada Links
2. Next Page
2. Population Patterns
1. Population Patterns
2. Population Density
CMA's: Canada Population Patterns
Your Cohort - Interactive
Interprovonicial Migration
Population Patterns Review
World Population Density
3. Convection Currents
3. Map Scale
3. Maps of Canada
3. Physical Geography
1. Earth's Layers
2. Rock Cycle
2. 2 Rock Types
2. Tectonic Plates and Continents
4. Continental Drift
4. Plate Tectonics
1. Convergent Boundary
3. Transform Boundaries
Plate Tectonics Clips
6. Weathering, Erosion, Deposition
Possible test responses
7. Resources
8. Physical Landform Regions
1. Canada from Above
1. Chalk Cliffs
8. Research Task Smore
9. Glaciation
3.1 Alt Course 3
4. How to Edit G Site
4. IOT
4. U got This
5. Climate
1. Climate Vs. Weather
2. Canada's Regional Climates
1. Intro to Weather & Climate
1998 Ice Storm
2. Climate Key Terms
2. Climate Vs Weather
3. Canada's Regional Climates
3. Weather Fronts
4. Climate Data
4. Weather Maps
6. Climate Change
6. Climate Review
6. Climate Text Work
9. Video Clips
Climate Change Vs Global warming
Ottawa Tornados September 2018
Resource 1
5. Demography
150 Years of Immigration
5. Canada's Pop June 2018
5. Changes in Demography
5. World Pop
6. World Demographic Data
Canada Compared to Peer Countries
Canada Pop at a Glance
Economic Development and Pop Pyramids
7. Populatin Dependency
Interactive Demography
Pop Pyramid in Excel
Population Dynamics (Change)
Population Dynamics Site
Population Pyramids
Population Trends
Sources of Migration
Urban Geo
Why Canada Needs Immigration
Why Cities Exist
6. Economy & Industry
1. Levels of Industry
1. Natural Resources and Industry
2. Levels of Industry Notes
Aboriginal Peoples Statistics
Canada's Import Exports
Canada's North West Passage
The Future Workplace
Trade- Canada VS the World
6. Soils and Vegetation
1. Soils
2. Soil Case Study
2. Soil Horizons (layers)
2. Vegetation
2. Vegetation Review
2A. Soils and Vegetation
1. Soils and Veg Clips
3. Vegetation Regions
5. Maple Syrop
5.B Vegetation
Tree Line
Tree Types
Vegetation Regions
7. Natural Resources
2. Mining
8. Reading Resources: Tectonics
9. Glaciation
9. Urban Geography
Exam Review 2019
2. Alt Course 2
2. Unit 2
3. Alt Course 3
Alt Course 1
1. Unit 1 Mapping
2. Unit 2
3. Unit 3
4. Unit 4
5. Unit 5
Text Resource
Alt Course 4
Google Earth Canada Tour
Immersive Learning
Map and Mapping Sites
1. Maps of Can 3D
Natural Environment
1. Watersheds
Natural Resources
1. Forestry
3. Wood Products
4. Why Forests need Fires and Insects
1. Mining
2. Water
1. Canada's Water Shed
2. How Much Water Do you Use?
Water In, Water Out
1. From Tap to Toilet
Old Calendar
Period 1 Applied Geography
1. Course Outline CGC 1P
Google Earth Chrome
Old Shed Sept
Plate Boundaries
Population Density
Population Patterns
possible test answers 3
Water Basins
Why Study Geography
CGC 2019 Resources
Course Outline
Course Outline
Course Description
Holt Text and online resources
Other Course online
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