Course Outline
CGC 1D - Academic Geography of Canada
Teacher: Mr.Michael McCloskey
Prerequisite Course: None
Description and Overall Expectations: This course focuses on current geographic issues that affect Canadians. Students will draw on their personal and everyday experiences as they explore issues relating to food and water supplies, competing land uses, interactions with the natural environment, and other topics relevant to sustainable living in Canada.
GEOGRAPHIC INQUIRY AND SKILL DEVELOPMENT: use the geographic inquiry process and the concepts of geographic thinking when investigating issues relating to Canadian geography; apply in everyday contexts skills, including spatial technology skills, developed through the investigation of Canadian geography, and identify some careers in which a background in geography might be an asset.
INTERACTIONS IN THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: analyse some interactions between physical processes, events, and phenomena and human activities in Canada; explain how physical processes and the natural environment influence human activity in Canada; describe some natural processes and key characteristics of the natural environment in Canada
MANAGING CANADA’S RESOURCES AND INDUSTRIES: assess the influence of personal choices and community actions on the use of natural resources in Canada; describe the economic, environmental, social, and political significance of selected aspects of Canada’s resources and industries; describe the distribution and use of selected natural resources in Canada
CHANGING POPULATIONS: Population Trends and Their Impacts: assess the impact on Canadian communities of changes in the characteristics of Canada’s population, and describe ways of responding to these changes: analyse recent immigration trends in Canada; describe key characteristics of population settlements in Canada and the major demographic characteristics of the Canadian population
LIVEABLE COMMUNITIES: identify factors that affect the sustainability of communities, and describe strategies for improving their sustainability; analyse impacts of land use in Canada on communities and the natural environment; describe patterns of land use in their local community
COURSE RESOURCES: Text: Making Connections 3rd Ed, Course Webpage, Digital Media
CATHOLIC GRADUATE EXPECTATIONS: Our goal for all students is to experience an education based on our Catholic Graduate Expectations.
We work in community to develop graduates that are:
· Discerning Believers Formed in the Catholic Faith Community
· Effective Communicators
· Reflective and Creative Thinkers
· Self-Directed, Responsible, Life-Long Learners
· Collaborative Contributors
· Caring Family Members
· Responsible Citizens
ASSESSMENT, EVALUATION AND REPORTING: The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Students will understand what is expected of them, using learning goals, and success criteria, based on the overall expectations. Feedback (self, peer, teacher) supports learning, and plays a critical role in academic achievement and success.
The development of learning skills and work habits is a key indicator of future success. The following learning skills and work habits will be developed, assessed, and reported during this course:
1. Responsibility fulfills responsibilities and commitments (e.g. accepts and acts on feedback)
2. Organization manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals (e.g. meets goals, on time)
3. Independent work uses class time appropriately to complete tasks (e.g. monitors own learning)
4. Collaboration works with others, promotes critical thinking (e.g. provides feedback to peers)
5. Initiative demonstrates curiosity and an interest in learning (e.g. sets high goals)
6. Self-Regulation sets goals, monitors progress towards achieving goals (e.g. sets, reflects goals)
Group work supports collaboration, an important 21st century skill. This will be assessed only as a learning skill. Homework may also be assessed as a learning skill. Evaluation completed in class will be based only on individual student work. Regular attendance is important to support group work, various forms of feedback, and to allow students to demonstrate evidence of their learning. Students are responsible for providing evidence of their own learning (with references where required), in class, within given timelines. Next steps in response to academic integrity issues, such as lack of work completion, plagiarism, or other forms of cheating, range from providing alternate opportunities, to a deduction of marks.
The achievement chart identifies four levels, based on achievement of the overall expectations:
Level Mark
Level 1 (5-5.9 /10) achievement falls below the provincial standard (50-59%)
Level 2 (6-6.9 /10) achievement approaches the provincial standard (60-69%)
Level 3 (7-7.9 /10) achievement is at the provincial standard (70-79%)
Level 4 (8-10 /10) achievement surpasses the provincial standard (80-100%)
The report card grade will be based on evidence of student performance, including observations, conversations and student products. Consideration will be given to more recent evidence (skill development) and the most consistent level of achievement.
RST = 10%
Term Work (70%) will include a variety of assessment tasks designed to demonstrate students’ development in their knowledge and understanding, thinking and inquiry, communication, and application, of all overall expectations.
Summative evaluations will be ongoing during the semester. RST’s are completed in class and provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they know, and the skills they have learned, based on the overall expectations. In CGC1D, the summative evaluations will consist of Rich Summative Tasks (RST) (10%) during the semester and a Final Exam (20%) at the end of the semester.
Awarding of Course Credit: Students who demonstrate evidence of achievement of overall expectations, and earn a mark of 50% or greater, will earn one credit for the course with the following exception:
Students who do not complete their summative evaluation (exam and/or end of year summative task) will not earn their credit regardless of their mark.
We have read the above course outline and are aware of the student responsibilities to attend class on a regular basis and to provide evidence of learning within the established timelines.
Student's Name (print): _______________________ Student's Signature: ____________________________
Parent/Guardian Name (print):_________________Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________