Ontario Colleges

Learn more at Ontario Colleges and search by program or by school.  

Apply by the February 1st deadline for equal consideration!

Fee Update for the 2025-2026 OCAS  Application

 For 2025-2026 applications, the fee will be updated from $125 to $150. The updated fee will take effect on Saturday, September 28 when the 2025-2026 application cycle opens for programs starting between August 2025 and July 2026.

This update to the application fee comes in accordance with the multi-year fee schedule previously approved by the Committee of Presidents (CoP) for Ontario’s public colleges.




Saturday, September 28, 2024: Online Application Opens

As of this date, students can apply to programs that start between August 2025 and July 2026 via ontariocolleges.ca.. As of this date, students can begin applying to Ontario college programs with start dates between August 2024 and July 2025.  You may create an account and begin your application. Speak to your Guidance Counsellor if you have questions. 

November 1: Earliest Offer Date

This is the earliest date that colleges may begin to send offers of admission to programs for the upcoming academic year. Offers will continue to be issued until programs are filled or wait-lists are established.

February 1: Equal Consideration Date

Apply on or before this date in order to receive equal consideration for admission to programs starting the following fall. After this date, colleges consider applicants on a first-come, first-served basis until programs are full.

Note that applications to Highly Competitive Programs must be received by this date in order to be considered. As these programs receive a high volume of applicants, all seats may be filled by February 1.

Applicants are encouraged to complete their applications well before the Equal Consideration Date, as website volumes on the online application are at their highest at this time.

Many programs continue to accept applicants after February 1. Use our Find a Program tool at any time to find programs that are still open.

May 1: Deadline to Confirm Offers of Admission

Applicants must confirm their acceptance of an offer of admission by this date. Log in to your ontariocolleges.ca account to confirm your offer.

Colleges may extend offers of admission after this date. Each college will set the deadline to confirm offers made after May 1, and this deadline will be communicated to you with your offer.

June 2025: Tuition Deposit Due at the Colleges

The colleges require payment of a tuition deposit in June to secure your spot in your program. Each college sets its own tuition deposit amount and payment deadline. This information will be communicated to you by the college.


Students planning to attend Algonquin College, who are concerned about paying the $500 tuition deposit, can apply to have it waived:  http://www.algonquincollege.com/ro/tde/

OCAS Help Centre

We’re excited to share the launch of a new online Help Centre that lets applicants quickly find answers to questions about applying to college.  

The Help Centre includes helpful information and resources on topics like:

How It Works

Built with accessibility in mind, the OCAS Help Centre presents information in a way that’s easy to understand and navigate.

While exploring the site, you can:

Take Me There!

Be sure to add the Help Centre to your browser’s favourites for quick access!

Algonquin College - Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL)

The Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) at Algonquin College is excited to welcome  students to post-secondary studies this fall. We are hosting Virtual Open Houses this semester to help address any questions prospective students and their families may have. The next CAL Virtual Open House is June 5, see the CAL Upcoming Events attachment for more details and registration link.


If a student has an IEP or wishes to register with our department for academic accommodations, please advise them to submit supporting disability documentation along with the completed Request for Support (RFS) form to the Welcome Centre for processing. The recommended submission deadline is June 15, 2025 to ensure academic accommodations are in place by the start of the fall semester.


All documentation can be emailed to the Welcome Centre at welcomecentre@algonquincollege.com or submitted in-person. The Welcome Centre is located on the 3rd floor of the Student Commons building. I have included a copy of the campus map for ease of reference.


CAL - Open House

If you are a student with disability, join an in-person or virtual open house event to learn more about AC's academic accommodations!   Learn more about CAL at algonquincollege.com/cal

Virtual Open House: Wednesday, February 26th and Thursday, March 20 from 3:30 - 4:30pm

Register here!

On-Campus Drop-In: Tuesday, March 11 and Wednesday, March 12 from 9 am - 12 pm

Register here!