Señora Grendell

¡Hola! My name is Señora Grendell (Mrs. Grendell), and I am currently working as one of the seventh grade Spanish teachers at Stacy Middle School.

I am originally from Mexico, therefore my first language is Spanish. I was born in Mexico City, where I obtained my degree as an elementary school teacher. I also obtained a degree in Business Administration there. However, teaching is my passion, so I moved to the USA, attended college, and obtained the necessary credits and license to become a foreign language teacher and to obtain my Master’s degree in education. Since then, I have been working as an Elementary school teacher, FLES teacher (Foreign Language Teacher in Elementary School), and now as a middle school teacher. In all, I have been working for more than 20 years, and I’m still loving it!!

I have two kids; one is already in college and the other one is a senior in high school. I am so proud of them being completely bilingual. Being a second language learner myself, I understand the importance of and challenge that learning a different language, as well as the challenge it presents. I also know that with time and effort, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Each year, one of my goals is to ease the challenge by making my classes as fun and complete as possible. I create different materials and use different computer programs, so my students can learn and have fun at the same time. I always try to have them enjoy and develop a love for the learning of a new language.

Lastly, I have to mention that dancing is my passion, and that for a few years I belonged to a group of folk dancers in Mexico. It was great! I haven’t practiced it since I moved here, however, but I have been taking different classes that would fulfill those likes, such as zumba and kickboxing. I really hope that all my students will have a passion for languages or any form of art. I truly believe that our world would be happier if we enhance our communication skills.