Group Theory 1

Symmetry Operations and Point Groups

Assignment 1: 

Watch the Introduction to Symmetry Operations lecture video below.

Introduction to Symmetry Operations 

Chemistry 107 Lecture 01

Test your understanding:

Introduction to Symmetry Quiz - "XeF4" (pdf)

Introduction to Symmetry Quiz Solutions - "XeF4_soln" (pdf)

GrpTheorySymmOperations Quiz - "SiCl4" (pdf

GrpTheorySymmOperations Quiz Solutions - "SiCl4_soln" (pdf)

GrpTheorySymmOperations Quiz - "C6H6" (pdf)

GrpTheorySymmOperations Quiz Solutions - "C6H6_soln" (pdf)


Assignment 2:

Watch the next lecture video, Symmetry and Point Groups.

Symmetry and Point Groups

Chemistry 107 Lecture 02 

Test your understanding.