CHY254 Organic Laboratory II


Here are some of my comments on the notes for the first laboratory experiment. I have made these comments many, many, times in my teaching career. In no particular order...

syllabus - Tracy (pdf)

schedule (pdf)

link to chy 252 website 

which includes;

links to laboratory techniques

links to spectroscopic techniques

guidelines for the laboratory notebook and

guidelines for written reports

SDBS: Intgreated Spectral Data Base System for Organic Compounds

laboratory check-in list (pdf)

laboratory housekeeping (pdf)

Handouts and Assignments

SciFinder Project/Literature Assignment

Introduction to Searching the Chemical Literature (pdf)

SciFinder/Literature Assignment post-lab (pdf)

Unit 1 Preparation of Chalcone Dibromide

U1 procedure (pdf) U1pre-lab (pdf) U1post-lab (pdf

13C NMR spectrum of chalcone dibromide (pdf)

Unit 2 Williamson Ether Synthesis

U2 procedure (pdf) U2pre-lab (pdf) U2post-lab (pdf)

Unit 3 Hydride Reduction

U3 procedure (pdf) U3pre-lab (pdf) U3post-lab (pdf)

Unit 5 Wittig Exploration

U5 general procedure (pdf) U5pre-lab (pdf) U5post-lab (pdf)

specific procedure (pdf) nBuLi procedure (pdf)

Wittig OPA Mechanism (pdf)

Unit 6 Isolation of a Natural Product

U6pre-lab (pdf) U6post-lab (pdf)

Unit 7 Fischer Esterification

U7 procedure (pdf) U7pre-lab (pdf) U7post-lab (pdf)