Linking to Google Forms Assignment Worksheet

Upload or Link to an Assignment Template Created in Google Forms

Web Scavenger Hunt for EDUU 551

You can open a shared Google Form template and save it to your Google Drive. Google Forms includes very useful templates for assignment worksheets, quizzes, surveys, etc. You can edit, add images, add "hot" links, insert YouTube and other videos, add your own Presentation files (Prezi, Slides, PowerPoint, etc. Here are several forms from the easiest and quickest to the more challenging but also much more professional and visually engaging. The beauty of using Forms is that you can collect the results in a spreadsheet for grading. This is a more professional way of creating Google Classroom assignments.

Shared Google Forms and Templates for EDUU 551

Additional Google Forms Assignment Worksheet Templates

You can start with Google Forms templates and select one that would work for your assignment. Include all assignment directions, websites, images, videos, links to resources, etc.

Customize Google Forms Templates

  • Once you've selected a template, customize your banner in the same you you customized your Google Classroom.
  • Tutorial - Customizing Theme
  • Click on the paint pallet and select Image uploaded under HEADER.
  • Click on Upload Photos upload images from your computer.

Sharing your Google Form

    • Check your settings to make sure your form is shared with either the public ("Anyone") or "Anyone in Brandman University."
    • If you don't share your Google Form, others (including your instructor) will not be able to view it from your Google Classroom.