Create an Assignment with Resource Materials

  • Click on the "Classwork" link.

  • Select "+ Create"

  • Select "Assignment"

Adding Attachments (Links, Files, Videos, and Links to Websites)

  • Paper clip - Add files from your computer

  • Google Drive - Add files from your Brandman Google Drive

  • YouTube - Add URL to YouTube video

  • Link to URL - Add link to any web address including your Prezi URL link

    • Your assignment, discussion questions, and resource materials will be posted on the main streaming page.

    • Students can click on the link to get to the assignments, etc.

Editing your Posts

  • Click on the 3 vertical dots on the top right to edit, move, or delete your post.

Due Dates

  • You will generally not assign a due date for the purposes of this university assignment.

  • Click off the due date icon to the right.

  • Or, you may if you choose to try out the due date function.