Adding File Attachments and

Resource Materials

Adding Attachments

    • Add attachments directly to your streaming announcements and classwork (assignments, quiz assignments, discussion)

  • Paper clip - Add files from your computer

  • Google Drive - Add files from your Brandman Google Drive

  • YouTube - Add URL to YouTube video

  • Link to URL - Add link to any web address including your Prezi URL link

You have many options for adding files from your computer. A thumbnail of your file will appear.

    • You can also add attachments, links, videos, Google Drive resources through the materials section. However, it's more effective to keep the resources connected to the announcements, discussions, and assignments so that all related materials are in one place.

Storing Materials for Archiving in Google Classroom

  • Click on the "Classwork" link.

  • Select "+ Create"

  • Select "Material"

  • Material links will show up on the main stream.