
As part of the expectation of participation in ASR, you will be expected to maintain a blog. The information shared will be subject to approval of the mentor. Over the course of the summer, you should post at least once every week.

Selected Past Blogs:

Student Testimonial

The ASR Program opened my eyes to what I could do with my love of science. I was recommended by Mr. Eaton, after he took note of my interests in biology and chemistry. With Mr. Eaton's help and Dr. Mark Burkhard, who graciously took a chance on a high school student with no research experience, I was able to intern at the Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research during the summer after my junior year. For the first time, I was able to see how seemingly abstract concepts that I enjoyed learning about, such as mitosis, could be applied directly to understand the mechanisms of disease in real patient cells. It was a powerful feeling for me to feel so connected to patients and to collect data and make observations that could potential heal or improve the conditions of their disease. In addition, in the laboratory, I was able to ask questions and understand how nuanced every biological pathway and concept was. I also saw how my own curiosities in the sciences could be translated into a means to heal people in the clinic. In college, I continued to pursue research and began to explore other realms of the medical field. I found success in my research, in part due to my strong experimentation skill set that I obtained through ASR. I also found my love for the clinical setting through volunteering, shadowing, and coursework. I will be attending medical school in August 2022, and I am so thankful for my experiences in ASR and Dr. Burkhard's laboratory as they helped to direct my interests to where I am today. 

-Crystal Jing