Stream Monitoring

MCDS has partnered with the Rock River Coalition to adopt two stream sites and gather water quality data that will be entered into a public database, used by scientists and citizens to study water quality in Wisconsin. Our goal is to have one team of students collecting data at each of these sites. 

Below is more information from the River Rock Coalition website about the citizen volunteer stream monitoring program:

The Challenge

The Rock River Basin faces many challenges to maintaining water quality and quantity including extreme weather patterns and climate change, mounting pressure from urbanization, pollution from point and non-point sources, and threats posed by invasive species. Equally challenging have been efforts to involve the public in watershed management planning and project implementation. The Rock River Coalition believes that we all share responsibility and all have a role to play in meeting these challenges to clean water. Only by working collaboratively can we balance increasing societal demands on water with those of the environment.

Our Vision

The Rock River Coalition works to facilitate public engagement in watershed management through its volunteer stream monitoring program. Citizen participation is the cornerstone of the Rock River Coalition stream monitoring program. Established in 2002, the RRC has trained over 200 volunteers to “test the waters” using easy-to-learn methods developed by the state-wide Water Action Volunteers Program (WAV), a collaboration between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the University of Wisconsin-Cooperative Extension (UWEX). Currently, the Rock River Coalition has over 80 volunteer stream monitors collecting water quality data throughout the Rock River Basin.

Expectations for MCDS students:

Why should I participate?


Dr. Rachael Lancor, Research Program Coordinator (

Mr. Jake Eaton, Middle School Science Teacher (

Stream Monitor Team Reports

Waunakee Village Center

Pheasant Branch Conservancy